Resit Coursework of CNSCC365 Advanced Networking
This is the resit coursework for CNSCC365 Advanced Networking. There are two tasks in total: Task A and Task B. Both tasks will be assessed.
This task is related to the original Task 1 Create Topology in Mininet, which can be found in the ‘Lab Materials’ section on this module’s Moodle page.
As mentioned in Task 1, based on the custom topology provided in the file topo-2sw-, you can build more complex topologies. Then, by using the commands learned in the ‘Setting Performance Parameters’ section of Task 1 document, performance limits can be added.
Please complete a Python script named that represents the following topology diagram (Figure 1). Then, please add a synthetic delay of 10ms on the link between s1 and h1, a 20ms delay between s3 and h4. Add a synthetic bandwidth of 20Mb/s on the link between s4 and h6. You might need to add cls=TCLink in the self.addLink(…). For example, self.addLink(node1, node2, cls=TCLink,…).
Figure 1 Custom topology diagram.
Q1: After adding the performance limits, please use ping to get the delay between h1 and h4. What is the first delay your ping gets? Please provide your explanations. Screenshot of your terminal window also needs to be provided.
Q2: What is the average delay between h1 and h4? Please provide your explanations. Screenshot of your terminal window also needs to be provided.
Q3: What is the bandwidth between h3 and h6? Please provide your explanations. Screenshot of your terminal window also needs to be provided.
Marking Criteria
What you will need to submit:
• the completed Python file named
• a report including
1) the screenshot of your Python code in
2) the explanations and terminal outputs (using screenshots) that answer the
questions Q1, Q2, and Q3.
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You will be awarded the majority of marks for Python script and completed tasks. You need to make sure the submitted work meet the requirements given in the Task documentation.
You need to complete the original Task 2.1 – Create A Layer 2 Learning Switch given in the Task 2 document, which can be found in the ‘Lab Materials’ section on this module’s Moodle page. Please name the completed Python file
Q4: What is the main difference between the provided skeleton code and your completed controller, in terms of functionality? Please demo their difference.
Q5: How to demo L2 switch functionality?
Marking Criteria
What you will need to submit:
▪ a Python script named for Task 2.1 ▪ a recorded demo video that includes
1) your explanations that answer the questions Q4 and Q5. You need to use commands and other tools such as Wireshark to give demos in your video. Your screen needs to be recorded to show the terminal outputs. You need to make sure your voice is recorded in the video.
2) anything you have done to maintain the minimal number of flow entries.
You will be awarded the majority of marks for building the functioning L2 Learning switch that meet the requirements given in the Task documentation and for your demonstration.
Mininet Wiki
Mininet Walkthrough