# tm-sim.py
# author: bjr
# date: 21 mar 2020
# last update: 22 mar 2020
# 16 mar 2021, updated
# 3 apr 2021, return conventions for accept/reject
# verbose_levels reimplemented
# character # is not allowed as a tape symbol
# for magical reasons, then ” is also not allowed
# added class method help()
# 15 apr 2021, made multi-tape
# 19 apr 2021, documentation updated
# 15 mar 2022, updated for session 222
# 27 mar 2022, add get_tape method
# copyright 2023 (c) All Rights Reserved.
grammar = “””
M-> (Stanza [emptyline])*
Stanza-> StartStanza | AcceptStanza | RejectStanza | StateStanza | TapeStanza
StartStanza-> “start” “:” Ident
AcceptStanza-> “accept” “:” Ident ([newline] [indent] Ident])*
RejectStanza-> “reject” “:” Ident ([newline] [indent] Ident])*
TapeStanza-> “tapes:” number
StateStanze-> “state” “:” Ident ([newline] [indent] StateTransition)+
StateTransition-> (Symbol|Special){k} (Symbol|Special){k} (Action){k} Ident
Action-> l|r|n|L|R|N
Symbol-> \w | [!$-/] # a tape symbols are alphanumeric and punctuation ! and $ through /
Special-> [:_] # the special wildcard and blank metacharacters
Ident-> \w+ # name of a state
# The : in a transition rule,
# – In the read section: wildcard match on that tape
# – In the write section: the current read symbol on that tape
# For k tapes, there can only be 0, 1, k-1 or k ‘:’ in the read section
# and they are matched in that preference order.
# The # is reserved as the start of a comment (not part of the BNF)
# Comments begin with a hash # and continue to the end of the line
# A missing transition halts with reject in the non-name reject state.
import string
import sys
import argparse
class TuringMachine:
# class properties
verbose_levels = {‘none’:0,’explain’:1,’verbose’:2, ‘debug’:3}
result_reasons = [‘ok’, ‘transition missing’, ‘time limit’]
all_actions = [“r”,”l”,”n”]
def __init__(self):
self.start_state = “” # is an state identifier
self.accept_states = set() # is a set of state identifiers
self.reject_states = set() # is a set of state identifiers
self.transitions = {} # (state,symbol-tuple):(state,symbol-tuple,action-tuple)
self.current_state = “”
self.k = 1 # number of tapes
self.tapes = [ [‘_’] for i in range(self.k)]
self.positions = [ 0 for i in range(self.k)]
self.verbose = 0
self.result = 0
self.step_count = 0
def set_start_state(self,state):
self.start_state = state
def set_k(self,k):
self.k = k
self.positions = [ 0 for i in range(self.k)]
self.tapes = [ [‘_’] for i in range(self.k)]
def set_tape(self,tape_string,k):
assert k>=0 and k
reads_p = reads
if self.k==1:
reads_p = reads[0]
print(f’warning: transition not found: ({c_s},{reads_p})’)
self.result = 1 # transition not found
return False
# wildcard code
symbols = tuple(symbols[i] if symbols[i]!=’:’ else reads[i] for i in range(self.k))
shout = False
self.current_state = new_state
for i in range(self.k):
self.tapes[i][self.positions[i]] = symbols[i]
if actions[i].lower() != actions[i]:
shout = True
if actions[i].lower() == ‘l’ and self.positions[i]>0:
self.positions[i] -= 1
if actions[i].lower() == ‘r’:
self.positions[i] += 1
if self.positions[i]==len(self.tapes[i]):
self.tapes[i][self.positions[i]:] = ‘_’
if actions[i].lower() == ‘n’:
if shout or self.verbose>0:
return True
def compute_init(self):
self.current_state = self.start_state
self.result = 0
self.step_count = 0
for i in range(self.k):
self.positions[i] = 0
def compute_tm(self,tape_string,step_limit=100,verbose=’explain’):
if isinstance(verbose,int):
self.verbose = verbose
elif verbose in TuringMachine.verbose_levels:
self.verbose = TuringMachine.verbose_levels[verbose]
if type(tape_string)==type(”): # could be an array of strings
stop_states = self.accept_states.union(self.reject_states)
if self.verbose > 0:
self.result = 0 # ok
res = True
while self.current_state not in stop_states:
self.step_count += 1
res = self.step_transition()
if self.step_count > step_limit:
self.result = 2 # out of time
res = False
if not res:
if not res:
result = False
result = self.current_state in self.accept_states
if self.verbose > 0:
s = ‘accept’ if result else ‘reject’
print(f'{s} ({self.result_reasons[self.result]})’)
return result
def is_exception(self):
return self.result>1
def get_tape(self):
return ”.join(self.tapes[0])
def get_tapes(self):
tapes = []
for t in range(self.k):
t = self.tapes[t][:]
# remove trailing blanks; if entirely blank leave one blank
for i in range(len(t)-1,0,-1):
if t[i]==’_’:
s = ”.join(t)
return tapes
def print_tapes(self):
if self.k==1:
print(f'{self.step_count} [{self.current_state}]’,end=”)
print(f'{self.step_count} [{self.current_state}]’)
for i in range(self.k):
t, p = self.tapes[i], self.positions[i]
s = ”.join(t[:p] + [‘[‘] + [t[p]] + [‘]’] + t[p+1:])
def print_tm(self):
print(“\nstart state:\n\t”,self.start_state)
print(“accept states:\n\t”,self.accept_states)
print(“reject states:\n\t”,self.reject_states)
for t in self.transitions:
def help(cls):
print(‘The verbose levels are:’)
for level in cls.verbose_levels:
print(f’\t{cls.verbose_levels[level]}: {level}’)
print(‘The grammar for the Turing Machine description is:’)
### end class TuringMachine
class MachineParser:
def parse(tm_obj, fa_string):
Code to parse a Turing Machine description into the Turing Machine object.
fa_array = fa_string.splitlines()
line_no = 0
current_state = “”
in_state_read = False
in_accept_read = False
in_reject_read = False
state_line_re = ‘\s+(\w|[!$-/:_])\s+(\w|[!$-/:_])\s+(\w)\s+(\w+)’
not_seen_a_state_line = True
for line in fa_array:
while True:
# comment lines are fully ignored
if re.search(‘^\s*#’,line):
if re.search(‘^\s+’,line):
if in_state_read:
m = re.search(state_line_re,line)
reads = tuple(m.group(i) for i in range(1,1+k))
writes = tuple(m.group(i) for i in range(1+k,1+2*k))
actions = tuple(m.group(i) for i in range(1+2*k,1+3*k))
to_state = m.group(1+3*k)
res = tm_obj.add_transition(current_state,reads,writes,actions,to_state)
print(res, f'{line_no}: {line}’)
return False
if in_accept_read:
m = re.search(‘\s+(\w+)’,line)
if in_reject_read:
m = re.search(‘\s+(\w+)’,line)
in_state_read = False
in_accept_read = False
in_reject_read = False
# blank lines do end multiline input
if re.search(‘^\s*$’,line):
m = re.search(‘^start:\s*(\w+)’,line)
m = re.search(‘^accept:\s*(\w+)’,line)
in_accept_read = True
m = re.search(‘^reject:\s*(\w+)’,line)
in_reject_read = True
m = re.search(‘^tapes:\s*(\d+)’,line)
assert not_seen_a_state_line
k = int(m.group(1))
state_line_re = ‘\s+’
for i in range(k):
state_line_re += ‘(\w|[!$-/:_])\s+’
for i in range(k):
state_line_re += ‘(\w|[!$-/:_])\s+’
for i in range(k):
state_line_re += ‘(\w)\s+’
state_line_re += ‘(\w+)’
m = re.search(‘^state:\s*(\w+)’,line)
not_seen_a_state_line = False
in_state_read = True
current_state = m.group(1)
print(f”unparsable line, dropping {line_no}: {line}”)
return False
line_no += 1
return True
def create_from_description(description):
tm = TuringMachine()
### end class MachineParser
# note: thought to migrate this into a utility file, but that would create
# a backward incompatibility with versions of this file, within a semester. -28 mar 2022
def create_and_test_turing_machine(label, tm_description, test_cases,verbose=’explain’):
label: a string nameing the test or Turing Machine
tm_decription: a string with the TM description
test_cases: a pair of lists, the first being strings in the language, the second being strings not in the language
print(f’\nTesting {label}’)
tm = MachineParser.create_from_description(tm_description)
correct = 0
incorrect = 0
exception = 0
side = True
for test_side in test_cases:
for s in test_side:
# assume complexity is some quadratic
res = tm.compute_tm(s,step_limit=10*(len(s)+5)**2,verbose=verbose)
if tm.is_exception():
exception += 1
if res==True:
if res==side:
correct += 1
incorrect += 1
side = not side
print(f’correct: {correct}, incorrect: {incorrect}, exceptions: {exception}’)
return incorrect == 0 and exception == 0
### end def’s