COMP24412 Coursework 3 Step 0: Setup
Make sure to set up a dedicated python environment for this project. You can either use anaconda or venv to create a dedicated environment. With anaconda:
with venv:
Step 1: Obtain the Code
In your base repo:
Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Familiarise yourself with the code. in the directory, you will find the sub-directory learning which contains the source code (stubs). You will implement the decision tree learner in learning/ and FOIL in learning/ . The files contain a skeleton of the ready algorithm with method and function stubs that you will need to implement. Do not change their signature, as tests found in the tests/ directory will be used to evaluate your solutions automatically. Obviously, also do not change the tests.
Step 2: Run the tests
You will have to implement your solutions against public and hidden test cases. Public solutions are available to you and you can look at them in the folder tests/public/ . Hidden solutions test your implementation further, for some interesting input configurations or edge cases and are not available to you. To run all tests, run
conda create -n cw3 python=3.7 anaconda
conda activate cw3
# work work work
conda deactivate
python -m venv cw4env
source ./cw3env/bin/activate
# work work work
git checkout lab3
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To run all tests in a file, e.g. tests/public/ , run pytest tests/public/
To run a specific test case in the file, e.g. test_overall_public run pytest tests/public/
Pytest captures your console output by default. If you don’t want that, you can append the –capture=no flag
pytest –capture=no […]
And if you – as you should – use the python logging stdlib instead of print , you can even control the
granularity of messages pytest will let through with pytest –log-cli-level=LEVEL […]
where LEVEL is DEBUG , INFO , WARN , etc.
Exercise 1: Decision tree learning [7pt]
In this exercise, you will implement the Decision Tree Learner as presented in the lecture. The skeleton is located in learning/ . Tests for this exercise can be found in
tests/public/ It will take a dataset of examples that are represented by a combination of values of a fixed set of attributes and produce a learned hypothesis of the following format:
The dataclasses AttrLogicExpression , Conjunction and Disjunction represent the hypotheses above in python code.
If you are unfamiliar with dataclasses, click here for a quick refresher.
AttrLogicExpression is an abstract base class, representing a logic expression. Conjunction is a conjunction of specific attribute values. the field attribute_confs takes a dict mapping from attribute names to their values. In other words a Conjunction c will be true for an example e iff
all(c.attr_values[x] == e[x]
for x in k in set(self.attribute_confs).intersection(example))
This functionality is already implemented. You can test this by calling the conjunction, like so:
Similar is the case with disjunctions, a Disjunction d has a field conjunctions which is a list of conjunctions. A Disjunction d is true for an example e if all its conjunctions are true. Similarly, you can test this with d(e) .
Other relevant dataclasses are the abstract base class Tree representing a Decision Tree element, Node representing a decision and Leaf representing a classification. More details can be seen in the source code documentation.
Finally, type abbreviations used are Example = Dict[str, Any] which means that one single example is a dict mapping from attribute names to their values and Examples = List[Example] represents a list
of examples.
A special attribute is target which represents the classification of the example. For now, you can assume that target is boolean, all attributes are the same for all Examples and all values are given (no NULL values) for all examples.
Implementing the termination [1p]
Like you have seen in the lecture, the termination cases of the learning algorithm include checking whether all remaining examples have the same classification and what the majority value is. For the former, you should implement the function same_target(examples: Examples) -> bool that takes a list of examples and returns True if they have the same target attribute. For the latter you should implement the function
plurality_value(examples: Examples) -> bool , which returns the target value that appears most in the given dataset.
The tests test_same_target_public and test_plurality_value_public should succeed now. Implementing Binary Entropy [1p]
Now you should implement the binary entropy as shown in the lecture, in the function binary_entropy(examples: Examples) -> float . The function will take Examples and return the binary
entropy with regard to the classification.
Watch out for the edge cases!
The test test_binary_entropy_public should succeed now.
Implementing information gain [2p]
With binary entropy implemented, you can implement the information gain now. The method is
DecisionTreeLearner.information_gain(self, examples: Examples, attribute: str) -> float. Like in the lecture videos, the method should take a dataset examples and an attribute name attribute , and compute the information gain by splitting the dataset on that attribute. With the information gain, you are also be able to implement
that takes a list of attribute names and a dataset and returns the attribute with the highest information gain
Watch out for edge cases here as well! The following tests should succeed now:
Implementing Tree to Logic Expression [2p]
In the lecture we mentioned that a decision tree can be converted to an equivalent logic expression. Implement the function to_logic_expression(tree: Tree) -> AttrLogicExpression that takes a decision tree tree and converts it into an AttrLogicExpression which, as described above is a disjunction of conjunctions of attribute configurations. Note that the conjunctions should be ordered such that the topmost attribute in a path in the decision tree should appear leftmost in the conjunction. The order of the disjunctions is irrelevant. Again, you won’t need to do the string conversion, just represent the tree as a combination of Conjunction and Disjunction python objects, they already implement the corresponding __str__ methods to convert them a string of the form shown above.
Implementing The full algorithm [1p]
Now you’re equipped to bring the pieces together and implement the full algorithm as presented in the lecture.
The recursive function
should be implemented to take a dataset, a list of attributes that describe examples of that dataset and all examples from the parent decision step and return an induced
decision tree.
Make sure to watch out for edge cases and implement all terminating cases correctly! The test test_overall_public should succeed now.
Exercise 2: FOIL [9p]
In this exercise, we will make use of pyswip, a bridge between Python and Prolog. Yes, we’re going to call Prolog from Python. Make sure, that swipl is accessible from your path by testing whether you can run
swipl successfully in your environment.
The overall layout will be the following: given a kb from a text file and positive and negative examples of the target relation to be learned, the goal is to learn the relation as a disjunction of horn clauses.
attributes: List[str], examples: Examples) -> str:
decision_tree_learning(self, examples: Examples, attributes: List[str],
parent_examples: Examples) -> Tree
The skeleton implementation as well as the Python objects representing elements of Prolog can be found in learning/ . Tests are located in tests/public/ .
Take a look at the documentation of the Python logic objects to understand how they are working.
Note: The pyswip bridge can be wonky at times, not clearing the knowledge base between test runs. I recommend to run tests involving the KB in isolation rather than all together. This is especially relevant for the last two tasks in this exercise.
Get predicates from the KB [1p]
Implement _FOIL.get_predicates(self) -> List[Predicate] which will extract all relevant predicates from the kb.
Hint 1: to access Prolog from within get_predicates , use self.prolog Hint 2: to access the KB file path, use self.dataset.kb .
Hint 3: Prolog’s built-in predicate predicate_property/2 might come in handy! Test it and pay attention to the second argument. How can you make use of it to effectively filter for relevant predicates?
The test test_get_predicates_public should succeed now. Implement covers [1p]
To check whether an example is covered by a Horn clause, implement covers(self, clause: HornClause, example: Example) -> bool . This will take a horn clause and an example and return true if the example is covered by the clause. Similar to above, you can make use of Prolog here, to make your life easier.
The test test_rule_covers_public should succeed now. Generate Candidates [2p]
Just as discussed in the lecture, the function
shall take a horn clause and return a python generator that contains all (reasonable) literals which specialise the clause. Follow the lecture video, but for now, don’t worry about negation or any of the other more advanced use cases such as recursion, (dis)equality or arithmetics.
When introducing literals with new variables, make sure that the variables are named uniquely! Implement the function _FOIL.unique_var(self) to return the next unique variable every time it’s called. For simplicity (and to comply with the test cases later), the variables should be named V_i where i is an integer starting from 0 and increasing by 1 with every subsequent call.
The test test_generate_candidates should succeed now.
clause: HornClause,
predicates: List[Predicate]
) -> Generator[Expression, None, None]
Note on python generators: If you don’t feel comfortable using generators it’s also okay to return lists. The tests should not fail because of this. You might just get annoying type checking warnings if you use an IDE/editor with type checking support.
Extending examples [1p]
To extend an example with all valid substitutions according to the knowledge base and subject to a given expression, as seen in the lecture videos, implement
. This function shall take an example and an expression, and return a python generator of examples (that means potentially more than one) that
represent a valid substitution. See lecture video for an example.
Hint: Use Prolog here. Think about how to formulate a Prolog query to get the substitutions. The test test_extend_example_public should pass now.
Foil information gain [2p]
Now you’re in the position to implement the method that guides the search for the specialisations:
. This method shall take a candidate literal (as generated by generate_candidates ), the dataset consisting of positive and negative examples and evaluate the information gain from the candidate. See lecture video for an example.
Make sure to implement is_represented_by(example: Example, examples: Examples) -> bool to calculate the factor t of the FOIL information gain formula.
Once again, pay attention to edge cases!
The tests test_foil_ig_public and test_is_represented_by_public should succeed now.
Putting it all together [1p]
Now you’re equipped to put everything together. Implement
which shall be the outer loop of the FOIL algorithm and
positive_examples: Examples,
negative_examples: Examples,
predicates: List[Predicate],
target: Literal) -> List[HornClause]
positive_examples: Examples,
negative_examples: Examples,
predicates: List[Predicate],
target: Literal) -> HornClause
which shall be the inner loop of the algorithm according to the pseudo-code presented in the lecture.
extend_example(self, example: Example,
new_expr: Expression) -> Generator[Example, None, None]
_FOIL.foil_information_gain(self, candidate: Expression, pos_ex: Examples, neg_ex:
Examples) -> float
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Make sure that your code terminates! The following tests should succeed:
Recursive case [1p]
Our FOIL algorithm isn’t quite good so far. Make it learn recursive relations! Hint: you will want to modify which predicates are allowed at which point. The test test_recursive_public should run now. (It takes a while)
Exercise 3: Make it better [4p]
Well done, if you’ve arrived here, all your tests should succeed.
However, the implemented algorithms so far are pretty basic. It’s time to make them better! You can choose one (or multiple) algorithms and improve them along the following metrics:
Accuracy with noisy data
Accuracy with less training examples Training time
Alternatively, you can make conceptual improvements to the algorithms (e.g. such as introducing recursion in the example above). In that case you should also provide a corresponding dataset where the base algorithm fails, but your implementation succeeds.
Make sure to provide explanations for what you did in a separate file.
Note that in order to get full marks here, you will need to implement multiple “impressive” improvements. Since FOIL can be seen as conceptually more challenging, the improvements on FOIL will be seen as more “impressive”.
The functionality to compare algorithms along the metrics and to generate datasets is provided. To find out how to use it and how to implement your own improved algorithms, make sure to check out the video explaining the course work and readme-scripts.MD .
Make sure to document well what you have done! Try to describe what you did, why you did it what you hypothesise will happen and whether experiments confirm or reject your hypothesis.
Note that a well documented failure will probably give you a better score than a “mystic success”.
Submission follows the usual mechanism. Add and commit your code, then and tag it with the
./ command. For exercise 1 and 2 you will need submit your (documented) code. For exercise 3,
you will need to submit your code as well as a readme labelled that describes the changes you made, how they improve upon the algorithms, and the commands to replicate your evidence in support of your arguments, i.e: what do the markers need to run to see the improvements for themselves?
Marking scheme
The weight of the coursework for the final course grade is equal to that of the previous assignments.
The rationale behind the marking scheme is the following: The test cases released to you represent a bare minimum example of the intended functionality that you need to implement. Further hidden test cases might check for additional interesting scenarios where the implemented methods/functions are supposed to work, for example some edge cases. These will not be released, but will be taken into consideration when determining the final grade. Feedback will be provided to you based on whether the tests succeed or fail. Furthermore, you’re expected to understand the functionality of your code as evidenced by an appropriate documentation of the functionality/comments in the code. This results in the following marking scheme for all Exercises 1 and 2:
Grade Explanation
0 No reasonable attempt to solve the exercise has been made
0.25 A reasonable attempt has been made, but public tests fail
0.5 Public tests succeed but all hidden tests fail
0.75 Public tests succeed and some hidden test fails
1 All (public+hidden) tests succeed
If the code is not sufficiently documented, the overall grade will be reduced up to 1p per exercise at the discretion of the markers.
Example for insufficient explanation/documentation:
def some_func(text):
text = str(text)
# get the name
name = text[:text.find(“(“)].strip()
# get the arity
arity = len(re.findall(“Variable”, text))
# if arity zero
if arity == 0:
# find arity
arity = len(re.findall(“,”, text)) + 1
# return predicate
return Predicate(name, arity)
Example for exhaustive explanation/documentation (Note that you should aim for sufficient rather than exhaustive):
def some_func(text):
# assuming input is a single predicate with its
# arguments in valid prolog syntax
text = str(text)
# then name of predicate comes before
# the first bracket in expression
name = text[:text.find(“(“)].strip()
# and arity is either defined by number
# of Variable in expression
# (as returned by predicate_property/2)
arity = len(re.findall(“Variable”, text))
# or, if not result of that query
if arity == 0:
# then we just count the commas that separate
# the arguments
arity = len(re.findall(“,”, text)) + 1
return Predicate(name, arity)
Note that implementing a function/method to directly (and only) to return the expected test value will automatically and inevitably result in 0 points for that exercise. To illustrate, the following test/implementation example will give 0 marks although the test is passing:
def test_foo():
assert foo(“bar”) == 5
def foo(arg):
Exercises worth more than one mark are scaled accordingly. For Exercise 3, the mile stones for marks are set as follows:
Grade Explanation
0 No reasonable attempt to improve any of the algorithms has been made
A reasonable attempt to improve one of the algorithms has been made, but without any visible impact
A good attempt to improve one of the algorithms has been made, the improvements are visible
An impressive improvement to one the algorithms have been made, the improvements are visible and well documented. Alternatively, a new algorithm has been implemented and its advantages have been demonstrated clearly
4 Like above but more than one improvement/algorithm
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