CIS352 Project 3 Smolisp

#lang racket

(provide (all-defined-out)) ;; don’t remove

;; CIS352 — Project 3 — Implementing Smolisp
;; Smolisp is a stripped-down version of Racket with top-level
;; definitions but no higher-order functions. Expressions include
;; literals, variables, let-binding and let*, if, cond, and function
;; calls. Crucially, however, functions may not appear without being
;; invoked by name. Your implementation must provide a collection of
;; “builtin” functions listed below

;; function names are symbols
(define function-name? symbol?)


;; Smolisp expressions (may not include definitions)
(define (expr? e)
;; Literal numbers and booleans
[(? number? n) #t]
[(? boolean? n) #t]
;; the literal symbol ‘(), as in ‘(cons 1 ‘())–notice the double
;; Variable names, note that evaluating a function is an
;; error–function names must only appear in call position.
[(? symbol? x) #t]
;; let-binding some list of symbols xs and list of expressions es:
;; E.g., in ‘(let ([x 0] [y z]) x), xs would be ‘(x y), es would
;; be ‘(0 z), and e-body would be x
[`(let ([,(? symbol? xs) ,(? expr? es)] …) ,(? expr? e-body)) #t]
;; let* is sequenced let
[`(let* ([,(? symbol? xs) ,(? expr? es)] …) ,(? expr? e-body)) #t]
;; if branching
[`(if ,(? expr? e-guard) ,(? expr? e-true) ,(? expr? e-false)) #t]
;; short-circuiting and/or
[`(and ,(? expr? e0) ,(? expr? e1)) #t]
[`(or ,(? expr? e0) ,(? expr? e1)) #t]
;; conds may optionally (but not necessarily) end in `[else …]`,
;; every case after the `else` case is dead code.
[`(cond [,(? expr? cond-guards) ,(? expr? cond-bodies)] …) #t]
;; function calls must specify a name (no lambdas!)
[`(,(? expr? f) ,(? expr? e-arguments) …) #t]
;; Nothing else is a Smolisp expression

;; A top-level definition defines either a function (of some number
;; of arguments)
(define (definition? d)
;; defining a function with a fixed set of arguments
[`(define (,(? function-name? fn) ,(? symbol? xs) …) ,(? expr? body)) #t]
;; defining a variable
[`(define ,(? symbol? x) ,(? expr? defn)) #t]

;; In this project, we consider “first-order” functions–functions
;; must be defined in a top-level definition (no lambdas) and
;; thus associated with a name. Our environment maps functions to
;; a special ‘(function (x0 …) e-body) form

;; Is it a base value (not a function)
(define (base-value? ev)
[(? boolean?) #t]
[(? number?) #t]
[(? list?) #t]

;; Values may also include functions, but no expression may evaluate
;; to a value.
(define (value? ev)
;; base values: numbers, booleans, and lists of values
[(? base-value? bv) #t]
;; first-order functions over some number (0 or more) of variables
[`(function (,(? symbol? xs) …) ,(? expr? e-body)) #t]
;; nothing else

;; Environments are maps from variables to values, which are
;; either base values or tagged functions with some number
;; of arguments
(define (environment? env)
(and (hash? env)
(andmap (λ (key) (symbol? key)) (hash-keys env))
(andmap (λ (value) (value? value)) (hash-values env))))

;; A program is a sequence of top-level definitions (either function
;; or variable definitions), ending with a “main” expression which
;; will be executed.
(define (program? program)
(match program
[`((? definition? defns) … ,(? expr? main-body)) #t]))


;; takes an expression and a set of variables in scope, returns #t iff
;; the expression is well-scoped.
(define/contract (well-scoped? expr vars-in-scope)
(-> expr? set? boolean?)
(match expr
[(? number? n) ‘todo]
[(? boolean? n) ‘todo]
[”() ‘todo]
[(? symbol? x) ‘todo]
[`(let ([,(? symbol? xs) ,(? expr? es)] …) ,(? expr? e-body))
;; be careful: this one is trickier
[`(let* ([,(? symbol? xs) ,(? expr? es)] …) ,(? expr? e-body))
[`(if ,e0 ,e1 ,e2)
[`(and ,e0 ,e1) ‘todo]
[`(or ,e0 ,e1) ‘todo]
[`(not ,e) ‘todo]
[`(,f ,es …)

;; eval-expr evaluates an expression in an environment
(define/contract (eval-expr expr env)
(-> expr? environment? base-value?)
(match expr
;; For literal values, just return them
[(? number? n) ‘todo]
[(? boolean? n) ‘todo]
[”() ‘todo]
;; For variables: look them up in the environment.
[(? symbol? x) ‘todo]
;; let-binding some list of symbols xs and list of expressions es:
;; E.g., in ‘(let ([x 0] [y z]) x), xs would be ‘(x y), es would
;; be ‘(0 z), and e-body would be x
[`(let ([,(? symbol? xs) ,(? expr? es)] …) ,(? expr? e-body))
[`(let* ([,(? symbol? xs) ,(? expr? es)] …) ,(? expr? e-body))
;; To evaluate if: first evaluate the guard, if it evaluates to
;; #t, evaluate the true branch, else evaluate the false branch.
[`(if ,(? expr? e-guard) ,(? expr? e-true) ,(? expr? e-false))
;; For cond: evaluate each expression one after the other
[`(cond [,(? expr? cond-guards) ,(? expr? cond-bodies)] …)
;; For and / or: remember to short-circuit
[`(and ,e0 ,e1) ‘todo]
[`(or ,e0 ,e1) ‘todo]
;; For not: evaluate the expression–if #t, return #f, otherwise #t
[`(not ,e) ‘todo]
;; Functions applied to a fixed number of arguments
[`(,(? expr? f) ,(? expr? e-arguments) …)
;; hint: f should map (via hash-ref of env) to something like
;; ‘(function (x …) …)–how can you match this to get
;; the variables and body
[_ (error “unexpected expression”)]))

;; Add a definition to the environment
(define (add-definition next-defn env)
(match next-defn
[`(define (,(? symbol? f) ,xs …) ,e-body)
(hash-set env f `(function ,e-body))]
[`(define ,x ,e)
(hash-set env x (eval-expr e env))]))

;; Builtins: you must handle the following builtins
;; + * – / = < > equal? cons null? car cdr
;; TODO: give this a sensible definition that works with your interpreter
(define builtins

;; Interpreting a program involves building up an environment,
;; starting from the initial environment of builtins, and then finally
;; using that environment to evaluate the expression.
(define (interpret-program prog)
(match prog
[`(,definitions … ,main)
(eval-expr main
(foldl (lambda (next-defn env) (add-definition next-defn env))

(define (public-well-scoped-0)
(displayln (well-scoped? ‘1 (set ‘+)))
(displayln (well-scoped? ‘+ (set ‘+)))
(displayln (well-scoped? ‘(+ 1 2) (set ‘+)))
(displayln (well-scoped? ‘(let ([x 2]) x) (set ‘+)))
(displayln (well-scoped? ‘(let ([x 0]) (let ([y 1]) (+ x y))) (set ‘+))))

(define (public-well-scoped-1)
(displayln (well-scoped? ‘(if (equal? (let ([x 0] [y 1]) y) 1) a b) (set ‘equal? ‘a ‘b)))
(displayln (well-scoped? ‘(if (equal? (let ([x 0] [y 1]) y) 1) x y) (set ‘equal?)))
(displayln (well-scoped? ‘(if (and (or a #t) (not (equal? (let ([x 0] [y 1]) y) 1))) 2 3) (set ‘equal? ‘a))))

(define (public-builtin-0)
(displayln (interpret-program ‘((+ (- 1 3) (- 10 (/ 50 (- 15 10))))))))

(define (public-builtin-1)
(displayln (interpret-program ‘((null? ‘()))))
(displayln (interpret-program ‘((null? (cons 1 ‘()))))))

(define (public-let-if)
(displayln (interpret-program ‘((let* ([x 3] [y (* x 2)])
(if (= y x)
(* y (+ x 2))
(if (equal? y y)

(define (public-dynamic-scope)
(displayln (interpret-program ‘((define x 23)
(define (foo y) x)
(define (bar x) (foo x))
(bar 42)))))

(define (public-let-0)
(displayln (interpret-program ‘((let ([a 0] [b 1]) a))))
(displayln (interpret-program ‘((let ([a 0] [b 1]) b)))))

(define (public-let-1)
(displayln (interpret-program ‘((let ([a 0] [b 1]) (let ([a 2]) a)))))
(displayln (interpret-program ‘((let ([a 0] [b 1]) (let ([a a]) a))))))

(define (public-letstar-0)
(displayln (interpret-program ‘((let* ([a 2] [b 1] [c b] [d (+ c (* a b))]) d)))))

(define (public-cond-0)
(displayln (interpret-program ‘((cond [(= 0 1) 0] [(= 1 2) 1] [(= 2 2) 3] [else 4]))))
(displayln (interpret-program ‘((cond [(= 1 1) 0] [(= 1 2) 1] [(= 2 2) 3] [else 4]))))
(displayln (interpret-program ‘((cond [(= 4 1) 0] [(= 2 2) 1] [(= 2 2) 3] [else 4]))))
(displayln (interpret-program ‘((cond [(= 4 1) 0] [(= 4 2) 1] [(= 4 2) 3] [else 4])))))

(define (public-factorial)
(define factorial
‘((define (fac n)
(if (= n 0)
(* n (fac (- n 1)))))
(fac 10)))
(displayln (interpret-program factorial)))

(define (public-filter)
(define filter
‘((define (filter-pos l)
(if (null? l)
(if (or (> (car l) 0) (= (car l) 0))
(cons (car l) (filter-pos (cdr l)))
(filter-pos (cdr l)))))
(filter-pos (cons -1 (cons 5 (cons -3 (cons 4 (cons 3 (cons 0 (cons 1 (cons -1 (cons 0 ‘()))))))))))))
(displayln (interpret-program filter)))

(define (public-bonus-zipmap)
‘((define (zip l0 l1)
(if (null? l0)
(cons (cons (car l0) (car l1)) (zip (cdr l0) (cdr l1)))))
(define (maptimes lst)
(if (null? lst)
(cons (* (car (car lst)) (cdr (car lst))) (maptimes (cdr lst)))))
(define (sum lst)
(if (null? lst)
(+ (car lst) (sum (cdr lst)))))
(sum (maptimes (zip (cons 12 (cons 15 (cons 7 ‘()))) (cons 3 (cons 11 (cons 12 ‘()))))))))
(displayln (interpret-program p)))