CIS352 Project 3 Smolisp DrRacket

Project 3: Smolisp
You will implement Smolisp, a dynamically-scoped subset of Racket that allows using define to define first- order functions. Expressions include literals, variables, let-binding and let*, if, cond, and function calls. Crucially, however, functions may only be invoked by name (i.e., no lambdas allowed), and functions may not return other functions. You will also support a collection of “builtin” functions. Smolscm programs consist of a set of top-level definitions which are either variables or function definitions. Functions are defined using the (define (f args …) e-body) syntax. For example, the following is a Smolscm program which computes the factorial of 10:
(define factorial
‘((define (fac n)
(if (= n 0) 1
(* n (fac (- n 1)))))
(fac 10)))
Notice that we use the quote to begin a list of definitions (in this case, the single definition of fac) before a single “main” expression.
Note: using Racket’s built-in eval will not help, as this language has a different semantics. Do not use Racket’s eval .
Language and Semantics
Smolisp programs consist of expressions and top-level definitions (defined using (define (f x …) …) or (define x …) ). Expressions are characterized by the predicate expr? in the project file, and . That predicate defines the syntax of the language (i.e., valid Smolisp expressions).
Our language is quite a bit like Racket, but has several features that make it subtly different from Racket’s semantics:
There are no first-order functions in Smolscm. For example, it is not possible to return a function or apply anything other than a function by name. For example, the following are valid:
But the following are not:
A consequence is that all callsites will call named functions, which must previously have been defined using the special (define …) construct.
Only top-level function / variable definitions are allowed. A program consists of a (possibly-empty)
(+ (f 1) (g 2 3))
(f (f 1 2) 3)
((lambda (x) x) x)
(define (foo x) +)

sequence of definitions followed by a final “main” expression. A definition may not appear under another definition.
Smolisp is dynamically scoped, rather than lexically scoped. This means that function application should extend the environment at the point of the callsite, rather than the environment saved alongside the closure. For example, consider the following code:
In Smolisp, the result of this code will be 42, but in Racket it will be 23. This is because Racket is lexically scoped: variables’ binders are derived from their syntactically-proximate definitions, rather than their proximate definition on the stack. This difference can feel extremely subtle, and was famously mis- implemented by McCarthy in the original Lisp. Solving this problem requires tracking the environment at the definition of each function (using “closures”); we will discuss an interpreter in class very soon which demonstrates this.
Expressions consist of a large subset of forms from Scheme:
Literals: you must support numbers, booleans, and the literal empty list ‘() (caution: you need to match this as ”(), be careful to note this.)
Short-circuiting binary and / or:
Builtins: you must support the following builtins: *, +, -, /, zero?, null?, cons, car, cdr.
let and let* can be used with any number of binding pairs (including zero, for example, (let () 1) which is equivalent to 1 . Remember to use the “sequenced let” interpretation for let*
cond optionally ends with an else clause (clauses after the else are ignored as dead code). If no suitable clause exists, you should return 0 (e.g., Racket returns (void) for (cond [(= 1 2) 3]) but you should return 0).
Application of fixed-arity functions, (f x (+ y 1)) . This match pattern goes last to avoid matching more specific patterns (like cond ).
Smolisp has two types of definitions: function definitions and variable definitions. Functions are defined as:
(define x 23)
(define (foo y) x)
(define (bar x) (foo x))
(define (foo args …) e-body)
;; For example
(define (foo x y) (+ x y))
(define (bar) 3)
;; But not this (more than one body expression):
(define (baz x y) x y)
Where e-body is an expression and all of foo and all arguments are symbols. Variables may also be defined:

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(define x expr)
Where expr is an expression.
Notice that definitions may not nest. A definition must contain an expression as its body, but specifically
may not contain another definition. The following is specifically an error:
Programs contain a (possibly empty) list of definitions, followed by a final expression. For example, each of the following is a program:
You will implement two functions:
well-scoped : Takes a Smolisp expression (and an environment, given as a set of variables) and returns whether it is well-scoped or not. For this one, you should be using recursion and think carefully about the binding structure: let is the only form which introduces new bindings. Returns #t when the expression is well-scoped (i.e., contains no identifiers outside of the environment passed in) and #f otherwise.
eval-expr : This is the main function you will implement. The match cases of the function are stubbed out for you, but you must implement each of the cases.
Think of well-scoped as a warmup: it largely involves matching and traversing expressions. You should use a match pattern similar to that in eval-expr , so feel free to copy that as a template.
Implementation Guide, Hints, etc…
Literals evaluate to themselves, and variables map to their meaning in the environment (i.e., via hash- ref). Each of those cases should be straightforward.
let and let* can be handled by using a foldl that accumulates a new environment (starting with the current environment) and then executes the body in this new (updated) environment.
cond should walk over each guard, evaluating each, until it hits one that evaluates to #t . Once it does, it should evaluate the corresponding body and return its value.
Function application should evaluate each of the arguments to a value, then bind the appropriate formal parameter in the current environment.
;; Allowable in Racket–not in Smolisp
(define (foo x)
(define (baz y) y)
((define x 12) x)
((define (bar x) (+ x 2)) (define (foo x) (bar (* x 2))) (foo (bar 3)))

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and and or should evaluate the first expression. If it’s true you should return #t/#f, otherwise evaluate the rest of the expressions.
Think carefully about how to implement builtins. There are a variety of ways to do it. My reference solution adds them to the environment, which is preferable for several reasons. Though it may also work to match them as special cases of function application.
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