COMP2611 q3 NimGame

# Your name:
# Your student id:
# Your email address:

# output messages
ROW: .word 0
NUM: .word 0
win1: .asciiz “\n\n Player 1 Wins.”
win2: .asciiz “\n\n Player 2 Wins.”
A_asc: .byte 0x41
#word 0x0041
B_asc: .word 0x0042
C_asc: .word 0x0043
ROWC: .word 0x0008
ROWB: .word 0x0005
ROWA: .word 0x0003
p_rowa: .asciiz “\nROW A: ”
p_rowb: .asciiz “\nROW B: ”
p_rowc: .asciiz “\nROW C: ”
rock: .asciiz “o”
newline: .asciiz “\n”
player1: .asciiz “Player 1, choose a row and number of rocks: ”
player2: .asciiz “Player 2, choose a row and number of rocks: ”
tryagain: .asciiz “\n Invalid move. Try again.\n”

.globl main
# $a0, syscall use
# $t0 ROW, $t1 NUM
# $t2, use to denote palyer 1/2 turns
add $t1,$zero,$zero # $t1 = 0
add $t2,$zero,$zero # $t2 = 0, player 1 first

jal print_state

la $a0, player1
beq $t2, $zero, p1_print # if $t2 == $zero then goto p1_print
la $a0, player2 #

addi $v0, $zero, 4

# Read a character from the console, player A/B in $t0
li $v0, 12
add $t0, $v0, $zero

la $a0, ROW #
sw $t0, 0($a0) #

# Read a number from the console, number of stone in $t1
li $v0, 12
add $t1,$v0,$zero
subi $t1, $t1, 48 # $t1 = $t1 – 48 to get back the actual number, for example ASCII encoding of “1” is 49, so we will have 49-48=1 in this case

la $a0, NUM
sw $t1, 0($a0) # store the input value to the main memory

# calls valid_move() procedure
# valid_move() returns the result in $v0, valid :1, invalid :0;
jal valid_move
bgt $v0, $zero, valid # if $v0 > $zero then goto valid

# cout << "try again" la $a0, tryagain addi $v0, $zero, 4 j need_input #this part changes the player number in $t2 from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0 for the next term addi $t2, $t2, -1 # $t2 = $t2 - 1 beq $t2, $zero, no_plus_2 # if $t2 == $zero then goto no_plus_2 addi $t2, $t2, 2 # $t2 = $t2 +2 no_plus_2: # calls game_over() procedure to check whether the game should be ended # game_over() returns the result in $v0, over :1, not over :0. if over, $t2 knows who win. 0 is palyer1, 1 is player2 jal game_over bgt $v0, $zero, over_print # if $v0 > $zero then goto over_print to print end game message

la $a0, newline
addi $v0, $zero, 4

j continue # jump to continue

# cout << "win1" la $a0, win1 beq $t2, $zero, win1_print # if $t2 == $zero then goto win1_print la $a0, win2 # win1_print: addi $v0, $zero, 4 # exit the program addi $v0, $zero, 10 # $v0, over :1, not over :0. if over, $v1 knows who win. 0 is palyer1, 1 is player2 #---- region : game_over subroutine game_over: lw $t0,ROWC bne $t0, $zero, not_over # if $t0 != $zero then goto not_over lw $t0,ROWB bne $t0, $zero, not_over # if $t0 != $zero then goto not_over lw $t0,ROWA bne $t0, $zero, not_over # if $t0 != $zero then goto not_over #---- endregion #valid_move() procedure #This function gets two argument: row number for removing the stone, #and the number of stones to be removed in the variable ROW and NUM in the main memory #ROW is assumed to be A, B or C #NUM is assumed to be 1,2,...,9 #It illustrate argument passing through the memory. The required arguments: # 1) ROW is in memory under the label ROW # 2) NUM is in memory under the lable NUM #This function returns the result in $v0, #$v0=1, the user move is valid #$v0=0, the user move is invalid #
#—- region : valid_move subroutine
#TODO Below

#TODO Above
#—- endregion

#—- region : print_state subroutine
#backup $ra to stack
addi $sp,$sp,-4
sw $ra,($sp)

# cout << "p_rowa" la $a0, p_rowa addi $v0, $zero, 4 lw $t8, ROWA jal print_rocks # cout << "p_rowb" la $a0, p_rowb addi $v0, $zero, 4 lw $t8, ROWB jal print_rocks # cout << "p_rowc" la $a0, p_rowc addi $v0, $zero, 4 lw $t8, ROWC jal print_rocks la $a0, newline addi $v0, $zero, 4 #restore $ra lw $ra,($sp) addi $sp,$sp,4 #---- endregion #---- region : print_rocks subroutine print_rocks: loop_print_rock: beq $t9,$t8,end_print_rocks la $a0, rock addi $v0, $zero, 4 addi $t9,$t9,1 j loop_print_rock end_print_rocks: #---- endregion