CS6601 CS3600 Assignment 6 Hidden Markov Models submission

import numpy as np
import operator

def gaussian_prob(x, para_tuple):
“””Compute the probability of a given x value

x (float): observation value
para_tuple (tuple): contains two elements, (mean, standard deviation)

Probability of seeing a value “x” in a Gaussian distribution.

We simplify the problem so you don’t have to take care of integrals.
Theoretically speaking, the returned value is not a probability of x,
since the probability of any single value x from a continuous
distribution should be zero, instead of the number outputed here.
By definition, the Gaussian percentile of a given value “x”
is computed based on the “area” under the curve, from left-most to x.
The proability of getting value “x” is zero bcause a single value “x”
has zero width, however, the probability of a range of value can be
computed, for say, from “x – 0.1” to “x + 0.1”.

if para_tuple == (None, None):
return 0.0

mean, std = para_tuple
gaussian_percentile = (2 * np.pi * std**2)**-0.5 * \
np.exp(-(x – mean)**2 / (2 * std**2))
return gaussian_percentile

def part_1_a():
“””Provide probabilities for the word HMMs outlined below.
Review Udacity Lesson 8 – Video #29. HMM Training
tuple() of
(prior probabilities for all states for word ALLIGATOR,
transition probabilities between states for word ALLIGATOR,
emission parameters tuple(mean, std) for all states for word ALLIGATOR,
prior probabilities for all states for word NUTS,
transition probabilities between states for word NUTS,
emission parameters tuple(mean, std) for all states for word NUTS,
prior probabilities for all states for word SLEEP,
transition probabilities between states for word SLEEP,
emission parameters tuple(mean, std) for all states for word SLEEP)
Sample Format (not complete):
{‘A1’: prob_of_starting_in_A1, ‘A2’: prob_of_starting_in_A2, …},
{‘A1’: {‘A1’: prob_of_transition_from_A1_to_A1,
‘A2’: prob_of_transition_from_A1_to_A2,
‘A3’: prob_of_transition_from_A1_to_A3,
‘Aend’: prob_of_transition_from_A1_to_Aend},
‘A2’: {…}, …},
{‘A1’: tuple(mean_of_A1, standard_deviation_of_A1),
‘A2’: tuple(mean_of_A2, standard_deviation_of_A2), …},
{‘N1’: prob_of_starting_in_N1, ‘N2’: prob_of_starting_in_N2, …},
{‘N1’: {‘N1’: prob_of_transition_from_N1_to_N1,
‘N2’: prob_of_transition_from_N1_to_N2,
‘N3’: prob_of_transition_from_N1_to_N3,
‘Nend’: prob_of_transition_from_N1_to_Nend},
‘N2’: {…}, …}
{‘N1’: tuple(mean_of_N1, standard_deviation_of_N1),
‘N2’: tuple(mean_of_N2, standard_deviation_of_N2), …},
{‘S1’: prob_of_starting_in_S1, ‘S2’: prob_of_starting_in_S2, …},
{‘S1’: {‘S1’: prob_of_transition_from_S1_to_S1,
‘S2’: prob_of_transition_from_S1_to_S2,
‘S3’: prob_of_transition_from_S1_to_S3,
‘Send’: prob_of_transition_from_S1_to_Send},
‘S2’: {…}, …}
{‘S1’: tuple(mean_of_S1, standard_deviation_of_S1),
‘S2’: tuple(mean_of_S2, standard_deviation_of_S2), …}

# TODO: complete this function.͏︆͏󠄃͏󠄌͏󠄍͏󠄂͏️͏󠄁͏󠄅͏󠄄
raise NotImplementedError()

“””Word ALLIGATOR”””
a_prior_probs = {
‘Aend’: 0.
a_transition_probs = {
‘A1’: {‘A1’: 0., ‘A3’: 0., ‘A2’: 0., ‘Aend’: 0.},
‘A2’: {‘A1’: 0., ‘A2’: 0., ‘A3’: 0., ‘Aend’: 0.},
‘A3’: {‘A2’: 0., ‘A3’: 0., ‘A1’: 0., ‘Aend’: 0.},
‘Aend’: {‘A1’: 0., ‘A3’: 0., ‘A2’: 0., ‘Aend’: 0.}
# Parameters for end state is not required͏︆͏󠄃͏󠄌͏󠄍͏󠄂͏️͏󠄁͏󠄅͏󠄄
a_emission_paras = {
‘A1’: (None, None),
‘A2’: (None, None),
‘A3’: (None, None),
‘Aend’: (None, None)

“””Word NUTS”””
n_prior_probs = {
‘Nend’: 0.
# Probability of a state changing to another state.͏︆͏󠄃͏󠄌͏󠄍͏󠄂͏️͏󠄁͏󠄅͏󠄄
n_transition_probs = {
‘N1’: {‘N3’: 0., ‘N1’: 0., ‘N2’: 0., ‘Nend’: 0.},
‘N2’: {‘N3’: 0., ‘N1’: 0., ‘N2’: 0., ‘Nend’: 0.},
‘N3’: {‘N3’: 0., ‘N1’: 0., ‘N2’: 0., ‘Nend’: 0.},
‘Nend’: {‘N3’: 0., ‘N2’: 0., ‘N1’: 0., ‘Nend’: 0.}
# Parameters for end state is not required͏︆͏󠄃͏󠄌͏󠄍͏󠄂͏️͏󠄁͏󠄅͏󠄄
n_emission_paras = {
‘N1’: (None, None),
‘N2’: (None, None),
‘N3’: (None, None),
‘Nend’: (None, None)

“””Word SLEEP”””
s_prior_probs = {
‘Send’: 0.
s_transition_probs = {
‘S1’: {‘S2’: 0., ‘S3’: 0., ‘S1’: 0., ‘Send’: 0.},
‘S2’: {‘S1’: 0., ‘S2’: 0., ‘S3’: 0., ‘Send’: 0.},
‘S3’: {‘S2’: 0., ‘S1’: 0., ‘S3’: 0., ‘Send’: 0.},
‘Send’: {‘S2’: 0., ‘S3’: 0., ‘S1’: 0., ‘Send’: 0.}
# Parameters for end state is not required͏︆͏󠄃͏󠄌͏󠄍͏󠄂͏️͏󠄁͏󠄅͏󠄄
s_emission_paras = {
‘S1’: (None, None),
‘S2’: (None, None),
‘S3’: (None, None),
‘Send’: (None, None)

return (a_prior_probs, a_transition_probs, a_emission_paras,
n_prior_probs, n_transition_probs, n_emission_paras,
s_prior_probs, s_transition_probs, s_emission_paras)

def viterbi(evidence_vector, states, prior_probs,
transition_probs, emission_paras):
“””Viterbi Algorithm to calculate the most likely states give the evidence.
evidence_vector (list): List of right hand Y-axis positions (integer).
states (list): List of all states in a word. No transition between words.
example: [‘A1’, ‘A2’, ‘A3’, ‘Aend’, ‘N1’, ‘N2’, ‘N3’, ‘Nend’]
prior_probs (dict): prior distribution for each state.
example: {‘X1’: 0.25,
‘X2’: 0.25,
‘X3’: 0.25,
‘Xend’: 0.25}
transition_probs (dict): dictionary representing transitions from each
state to every other valid state such as for the above
states, there won’t be a transition from ‘A1’ to ‘N1’
emission_paras (dict): parameters of Gaussian distribution
from each state.
( A list of states the most likely explains the evidence,
probability this state sequence fits the evidence as a float )
You are required to use the function gaussian_prob to compute the
emission probabilities.

# TODO: complete this function.͏︆͏󠄃͏󠄌͏󠄍͏󠄂͏️͏󠄁͏󠄅͏󠄄
raise NotImplementedError()

sequence = []
probability = 0.0

return sequence, probability

def part_2_a():
“””Provide probabilities for the word HMMs outlined below.
Now, at each time frame you are given 2 observations (right hand Y
position & right thumb Y position). Use the result you derived in
part_1_a, accompany with the provided probability for right thumb, create
a tuple of (right-hand-y, right-thumb-y) to represent high-dimension transition &
emission probabilities.

# TODO: complete this function.͏︆͏󠄃͏󠄌͏󠄍͏󠄂͏️͏󠄁͏󠄅͏󠄄
raise NotImplementedError()

“””Word ALLIGATOR”””
a_prior_probs = {
‘Aend’: 0.
# example: {‘A1’: {‘A1’ : (right-hand Y, right-thumb Y), … }͏︆͏󠄃͏󠄌͏󠄍͏󠄂͏️͏󠄁͏󠄅͏󠄄
a_transition_probs = {
‘A1’: {‘A2’: (0., 0.), ‘A1’: (0., 0.), ‘A3’: (0., 0.), ‘Aend’: (0., 0.)},
‘A2’: {‘A3’: (0., 0.), ‘A2’: (0., 0.), ‘A1’: (0., 0.), ‘Aend’: (0., 0.)},
‘A3’: {‘A2’: (0., 0.), ‘A3’: (0., 0.), ‘A1’: (0., 0.), ‘Aend’: (0., 0.)},
‘Aend’: {‘A2’: (0., 0.), ‘A3’: (0., 0.), ‘A1’: (0., 0.), ‘Aend’: (0., 0.)}
# example: {‘A1’: [(right-hand-mean, right-hand-std), (right-thumb-mean, right-thumb-std)] …}͏︆͏󠄃͏󠄌͏󠄍͏󠄂͏️͏󠄁͏󠄅͏󠄄
a_emission_paras = {
‘A1’: [(None, None), (None, None)],
‘A2’: [(None, None), (None, None)],
‘A3’: [(None, None), (None, None)],
‘Aend’: [(None, None), (None, None)]

“””Word NUTS”””
n_prior_probs = {
‘Nend’: 0.
n_transition_probs = {
‘N1’: {‘N2’: (0., 0.), ‘N3’: (0., 0.), ‘N1’: (0., 0.), ‘Nend’: (0., 0.)},
‘N2’: {‘N2’: (0., 0.), ‘N1’: (0., 0.), ‘N3’: (0., 0.), ‘Nend’: (0., 0.)},
‘N3’: {‘N1’: (0., 0.), ‘N3’: (0., 0.), ‘N2’: (0., 0.), ‘Nend’: (0., 0.)},
‘Nend’: {‘N1’: (0., 0.), ‘N2’: (0., 0.), ‘N3’: (0., 0.), ‘Nend’: (0., 0.)}
n_emission_paras = {
‘N1’: [(None, None), (None, None)],
‘N2’: [(None, None), (None, None)],
‘N3’: [(None, None), (None, None)],
‘Nend’: [(None, None), (None, None)]

“””Word SLEEP”””
s_prior_probs = {
‘Send’: 0.
s_transition_probs = {
‘S1’: {‘S2’: (0., 0.), ‘S3’: (0., 0.), ‘S1’: (0., 0.), ‘Send’: (0., 0.)},
‘S2’: {‘S1’: (0., 0.), ‘S3’: (0., 0.), ‘S2’: (0., 0.), ‘Send’: (0., 0.)},
‘S3’: {‘S3’: (0., 0.), ‘S1’: (0., 0.), ‘S2’: (0., 0.), ‘Send’: (0., 0.)},
‘Send’: {‘S3’: (0., 0.), ‘S1’: (0., 0.), ‘S2’: (0., 0.), ‘Send’: (0., 0.)}
s_emission_paras = {
‘S1’: [(None, None), (None, None)],
‘S2’: [(None, None), (None, None)],
‘S3’: [(None, None), (None, None)],
‘Send’: [(None, None), (None, None)]

return (a_prior_probs, a_transition_probs, a_emission_paras,
n_prior_probs, n_transition_probs, n_emission_paras,
s_prior_probs, s_transition_probs, s_emission_paras)

def multidimensional_viterbi(evidence_vector, states, prior_probs,
transition_probs, emission_paras):
“””Decode the most likely word phrases generated by the evidence vector.

States, prior_probs, transition_probs, and emission_probs will now contain
all the words from part_2_a.
# TODO: complete this function.͏︆͏󠄃͏󠄌͏󠄍͏󠄂͏️͏󠄁͏󠄅͏󠄄
raise NotImplementedError()

sequence = []
probability = 0.0

return sequence, probability

def return_your_name():
“””Return your name
# TODO: finish this͏︆͏󠄃͏󠄌͏󠄍͏󠄂͏️͏󠄁͏󠄅͏󠄄
raise NotImplementedError()