Problem 4 (2 credits)
data(brexit_polls) head(brexit_polls)
startdate 2016-06-23 2016-06-22 2016-06-20 2016-06-20 2016-06-20 2016-06-17 spread
0.04 0.10 0.02 0.03
-0.01 0.08
enddate 2016-06-23 2016-06-22 2016-06-22 2016-06-22 2016-06-22 2016-06-22
pollster poll_type YouGov Online Populus Online YouGov Online Ipsos MORI Telephone Opinium Online ComRes Telephone
samplesize remain leave undecided 4772 0.52 0.48 0.00 4700 0.55 0.45 0.00 3766 0.51 0.49 0.00 1592 0.49 0.46 0.01 3011 0.44 0.45 0.09 1032 0.54 0.46 0.00
You are interested in generating a table that shows the number of polls done online and by telephone for the pollsters YouGov, Ipsos MORI and Opinium. Write R code using the library data.table to create such table with the same column names (header displayed below).
## pollster N_polls_online N_polls_telephone
## 1: Ipsos MORI 0 7
## 2: Opinium 9 0
## 3: YouGov 25 1
1 Question Nr. 0EA89DS9L0PY63ZE3 2
The brexit_polls dataset from the dslabs package contains poll outcomes for 127 polls performed by different pollsters either online or by telephone (poll_type).
brexit_polls <-
dt_1 <- brexit_polls[pollster %in% c("Ipsos MORI","Opinium","YouGov")][poll_type == "Online"][, .(N_polls_online = .N), by = pollster] dt_2 <- brexit_polls[pollster %in% c("Ipsos MORI","Opinium","YouGov")][poll_type == "Telephone"][, .(N_polls_telephone = .N), by = pollster]
dt_3 <- merge(dt_1,dt_2, by = "pollster", all = T) dt_3[] <- 0
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Computer Science Tutoring
Question Nr. 9C2892V3965B2346Y4957F1423J198
Load the column ‘global_history’ from the dataset ‘nyc_regents_scores’. Compute its median. Additionally obtain a 80% equi-tailed bootstrap confidence interval for this quantity. Run 999 bootstrap iterations. Provide R code and the lower and upper bound of the interval rounded to two significant digits using signif(. . . ,digits=2).
Load the data using the following code:
dt <-
dt <- na.omit(dt)
Problem 5 (2 credits)
dt <- dt <- na.omit(dt)
median_global <- median(dt$global_
# number of random simulations R <- 999
# initialize T_boot with missing values # (safer than with 0's)
T_bootstrap <- rep(NA, 1000)
# iterate for i=1 to R for(i in 1:R){
# sample the original data with same size with replacement
dt_boot <- dt$global_history[sample(nrow(dt$global_history), replace=TRUE)] # store the difference of medians in the i-th entry of T_permuted T_bootstrap[i] <- diff_median(dt_boot)
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Problem 7 (2 credits)
2 Question Nr. 8NC1OH0M16TJ23YV57WP3
Consider only the features ‘PLEKHJ1’ and ‘OTC’ from the ‘tissue_gene_expression’ dataset. Provide R code that allowes determining, e.g. with an appropriate plot, the feature with the highest recall at a false positive rate of 0.43 as a predictor of gene expression in liver (variable y == “liver”). Write down the name of this feature and justify your choice.
Load the data using the following code:
dt <-$x) dt[, y := tissue_gene_expression$y]
dt <- dt[,c("PLEKHJ1","OTC","y")]
log_model_2 <- glm(y ~ PLEKHJ1, data=dt, family = "binomial") log_model_3 <- glm(y ~ OTC, data=dt, family = "binomial")
pred_1 <- dt[, pred_PLEK := round(predict(log_model_2, dt, type ="response"))] pred_2 <- dt[, pred_OLC := round(predict(log_model_3, dt, type ="response"))]
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Problem 8 (1 credit)
Consider a multivariate dataset with 6 observations denoted as W,F,R,P,S and T.
A first clustering method gives the two clusters {P} and {W,F,R,S,T}. Applying k-means clustering yields two clusters {S} and {W,F,R,P,T}. Applying hierarchical clustering yields two clusters {R,T} and {W,F,P,S}. Which of the k-mean clustering and the hierarchical clustering yielded the grouping of the elements most similar to the first clustering? Base your answer on a metric learned in the lecture.
dt <- data.table(element = c("w","f","r","p","s","t"), first_cluster = c(2,2,2,1,2,2),
k_means = c(2,2,2,2,1,2), hc = c(2,2,1,2,2,1))
my_rand_index <- function(cl1, cl2) {
## enumerate all pairs
pairs = lapply(1:(length(cl1) - 1), function(i)
lapply((i + 1):length(cl1), function(j) return(c(i, j)))) pairs = t(matrix(unlist(pairs), nrow=2))
## label pairs as same or different in cl1
same.cl1 = cl1[pairs[,1]] == cl1[pairs[,2]]
## label pairs as same or different in cl2 same.cl2 = cl2[pairs[,1]] == cl2[pairs[,2]]
## compare the labels = sum(same.cl1 & same.cl2) = sum(!same.cl1 & !same.cl2)
## compute the Rand index return(( + / nrow(pairs))
my_rand_index(dt$first_cluster,dt$k_means) my_rand_index(dt$first_cluster,dt$hc)
#Based on the rand index results k means resembles the most with the first clustering method. (rand index of k means = 0.46)
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Problem 9 (2 credits)
Consider the R code below that defines the variables A,B,C and D:
sigma <- function(z){ 1 / (1 + exp(-z)) }
B <- sigma(rnorm(n))
C <- rbinom(n, size=5, prob=0.5)
D <- rbinom(n, size=10, prob=sigma(C))
A <- rnorm(n, mean=B*D)
Is B statistically independent of C? Justify. No statistical test nor plot is required nor shall be the basis for your justification.
It depends but only considering the relationship between B and C, we can conlude that they are independent since they are constituted from different distributions.
Given A, is B statistically independent of C? Justify. No statistical test nor plot is required nor shall be the basis for your justification.
Yes they are still independent. A is dependent on both B and C however this does not neccesarily makes B and C dependent. This is a typical case of common consequence.
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Problem 10 (1 credit)
Question Nr. 5LU05CH27RX6WP76FN6
We consider a linear regression model parameterized as
yi = α + β · xi + εi
where i = 1...N denotes the data point indices, yi is the response variable, α and β the coefficients, xi the explanatory variable
and εi the error term. Let yˆi be the i-th fitted value and εˆi be the i-th residual.
Does the following plot provide evidence against the assumptions of the linear regression? Justify.
theoretical quantiles
One of the assumptions of linear regression is normality. By checking this QQ plot we can see that data is not normally distributed around the tails, so therefore this plot provides an evidence to the case of non normality.
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response quantiles
Problem 11 (1 credit)
Question Nr. 8XW79VF9BD5ZN54PS1
Which density plot A, B, C, or D corresponds to the Q-Q plot (i.e. Q-Q plot against the standard Normal distribution) depicted below? The standard Normal distribution, i.e. the Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and variance 1, is shown in the density plots below with a dashed line. Justify.
B. First, we are looking for a zero mean distribution. Therefore, A, D, C is eliminated. Also we have values ranging from -15 to 15 but in A,C,D we can clearly see that this is not the case.
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Code Help
Problem 12 (2 credits)
Question Nr. 7IS16XJ89VA32GH51VZ2
Consider the variable “fractal_dim_mean” of the “brca” dataset. A researcher wants to find a set of the other variables from the matrix ‘brca$x’ associating with the variable ‘fractal_dim_mean’ according to Spearman’s correlation such that the set is as large as possible but that, on average, at most 10% of the reported associations are false positives. Identify this set. Provide code, report the size of this set, and justify your answer. Do not mind warnings, if any, about exact p-values with ties.
Load the data using the following code:
dt <-$x)
res <- cor(dt)
res <- round(res, 2)
According to correlation table, fractal_dim_worst have the highest correlation among all variables.
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Problem 13 (2 credits)
Question Nr. 5I6747B4958E6546U0942G0402V730
Alice and Bianca would like to predict the variable ‘fertility’ from the dataset ‘gapminder’ using linear regression. In this question, assume that the assumptions of linear regression hold in every regression performed. Load the dataset using the command:
gap <- data.table(na.omit(dslabs::gapminder))
gap[, gdp_log10 := log10(gdp)]
gap[, infant_mortality_log10 := log10(infant_mortality)]
gap[, population_log10 := log10(population)]
a) Alice has proposed a model using only ‘gdp_log10’ as a predictor. Bianca, argues that we also need to include ‘popula- tion_log10’. How much more of the variance is explained by Bianca’s model? Provide R code and the added fraction of the variance rounded to 2 significant digits.
b) Alice disagrees, arguing that this additional variable does not significantly improve the model. Settle the debate with an appropriate test. Provide R code as well as the p-value rounded to 2 significant digits.
pca <- princomp(gap[, .(gdp_log10,population_log10)]) pca
# Proportion of Variance Exp.
#gdp_log10 = 0.88 #population_log10 = 0.12
l <- lm(fertility ~ gdp_log10 + population_log10, data=gap) summary(l)
# With a regression model fit, we can see that actually both predictors do a statistically significant job to predict fertility. Both have p values of 0.00000000000002
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Problem 14 (2 credits)
Question Nr. 7OY93DP39F99BP58DY6
Consider the “brca” dataset from dslabs package. Fit a logistic regression model which predicts the response variable “outcome” given the feature ’ smoothness_se ‘. Assume that all assumptions of the logistic regression model are met. Starting from an original probability of 10%, of malignant (cancer) how much does the probability of developping a malignant (cancer) increase when the feature’ smoothness_se ’ increases by 0.1 . Provide R code that determines this probability and explicitly state this probability.
Load the data using the following code:
dt <-$x)
dt[, outcome := brca$y]
log_model <- glm(outcome ~ smoothness_se, data=dt, family = "binomial") log_model
a <- predict(log_model, data.table(smoothness_se = -0.1789 + 0.1, type ="response")) probability_increase <- exp(a)/ 100
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