prolog Test 21 a1 exercises

%% -*- Mode: Prolog; coding: utf-8 -*- %% test 1 / 18.03.2021

%% Given the precondition (PreCond) of the predicate,
%% the search trees of the appropriate goals must be finite.
%% The run of the goals should not leave unnecessary choice points.
%% Take advantage of first argument indexing and last call optimization.
%% Provided a test with some solutions given, your program should produce the
%% same bag of solutions, possibly in a different order. No full test is given.
%% The Prolog environment should not send any warning on your solutions.
%% LI: the number of predicate calls while the program runs.
%% Exercise: This file must be renamed and completed.
%% The name of the file to submit: where x is your Neptun code.


%% 1. Given family/3, define relation parent/2. (10p)
%% PreCondition: Given facts of the form family(Mother,Father,Children) where
%% Mother and Father are atoms, but Children is proper list of atoms.
%% parent(X,Y) :- X is parent of Y according to predicate family/3.
%% For example:
family(s,a,[b,c,d]). family(m,b,[e,f,g]).
%% | ?- parent(X,Y).
%% X=s, Y=b ; X=s, Y=c ; X=s, Y=d ; X=m, Y=e ; X=m, Y=f ; X=m, Y=g ;
%% X=a, Y=b ; X=a, Y=c ; X=a, Y=d ; X=b, Y=e ; X=b, Y=f ; X=b, Y=g ; no
%% Solution:


%% 2. Given a list of families, collect those families with at least 2 children.
%% (20p)
%% PreCondition: Families is a proper list. Its elements are compound terms of
%% the form fm(Mother,Father,Children) where
%% Mother and Father are atoms, but Children is proper list of atoms.
%% fm2ch(Families,WithMinTwoChildren) :-
%% Selecting the families with at least two children from list Families
%% we receive list WithMinTwoChildren where the original order of the
%% selected items is unchanged.
%% | ?- fm2ch([fm(s,a,[b,c,d]),fm(d,i,[j,k]),fm(c,h,[]), fm(m,b,[e,f,g]),fm(k,l,[m]),fm(m,e,[n,p])],Fm2s).
%% Fm2s = [fm(s,a,[b,c,d]),fm(d,i,[j,k]),fm(m,b,[e,f,g]),fm(m,e,[n,p])] ; no
%% Solution:


%% 3. Which family is the biggest? (30p)
%% PreCondition: Families is a proper list. Its elements are compound terms of
%% the form fm(Mother,Father,Children) where
%% Mother and Father are atoms, but Children is proper list of atoms.
%% biggestFamily(Families,Biggest) :- on list Families,
%% Biggest is the first among the biggest families.
%% (A biggest family is that with the most children.)
%% | ?- biggestFamily([fm(k,l,[m]), fm(d,i,[j,k]), fm(m,e,[n,p]), fm(s,a,[b,c,d]), fm(c,h,[]), fm(m,b,[e,f,g])],Biggest).
%% Biggest = fm(s,a,[b,c,d]) ; no
%% Solution:
