Dictionary Search
Recall that given a set S of n integers sorted in ascending order and stored in an array A of length n, and a target search integer v, the goal of the Dictionary Search problem is to decide whether v ∈ S. In class, we introduced the binary search algorithm for solving this problem.
Problem 1. [3 Marks] Now, let us consider a variant of the above binary search algorithm, called 1/5-search. Specifically, the 1/5-search algorithm works as follows:
The base case. If n ≤ 5, check if v is one of the only at most 5 integers in the array in a brute-force manner.
The inductive case. When n > 5, do the following:
• compare v to the integer s stored in the position of 1/5 of the length of the array (for example, if the current array is of length 10, then we pick the integer stored at position 15 × 10 = 2 in the array);
• if v = s, return yes and done;
• otherwise,
– if v < s, recursively solve the problem on the “left” part of the array before s; – if v > s, recursively solve the problem on the “right” part of the array after s.
Prove that the running time complexity of 1/5-search algorithm is still bounded by O(log n). Hint: You will need to define the cost recurrence and then solve it.
Problem 2. [6 Marks] Now, we further consider an extension of the above 1/5-search algorithm, which is called α-search algorithm for some arbitrary parameter 0 < α ≤ 1/2. As a result, the 1/5-search algorithm is a special case of the α-search with α = 1/5. However, note that, here, α should not be considered as a constant, and hence, α should appear in the time complexity.
To avoid confusion, although it is highly similar to that of the 1/5-search, we put the full description of the α-search algorithm below:
The base case. If n ≤ ⌊α1⌋, check if v is one of the only at most ⌊α1⌋ integers in the array in a brute-force manner.
The inductive case. When n > ⌊ α1 ⌋, do the following: 1
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• compare v to the integer s stored in the position of α of the length of the array, i.e., the position at ⌊αn⌋.
• if v = s, return yes and done;
• otherwise,
– if v < s, recursively solve the problem on the “left” part of the array before s; – if v > s, recursively solve the problem on the “right” part of the array after s.
Answer the follow questions.
• (a) [1 Mark] What is the running time complexity of the base case in the α-search algorithm.
• (b) [2 Marks] Prove that the running time complexity of the α-search algorithm is bounded by O(α1+log1 n).
• (c) (∗) [3 Marks] Prove that O(α1 +log 1 n) ⊆ O(α1 ·logn), for all 0 < α ≤ 1/2. Hint: The
1−α followingfactmaybeuseful: x ≤ln(1+x)≤xholdsforallx>0.
Problem 3. [6 Marks] Consider a set S of n integers sorted in ascending order and stored in an array A of length n; given a target sum value k, the goal of the Two-Sum problem is to decide if thereexistsapairofintegersa1 ∈Sanda2 ∈Ssuchthata1+a2 =k,wherea1 anda2 canbethe same integer, i.e., a1 = a2. Answer the following questions.
• (a) [1 Mark] Design a brute-force algorithm to solve the above Two-Sum problem, and analyse the time complexity of your algorithm.
• (b) [2 Marks] Design an algorithm that can solve the Two-Sum problem in Θ(nlogn) time. You will need to prove the time complexity of your algorithm.
• (c) (∗) [3 Marks] Design an algorithm that can solve the Two-Sum problem in Θ(n) time. You will need to prove the correctness and the time complexity of your algorithm.
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• A assignment1.pdf file, comprising your solutions to the questions in the assignment.
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