COIS724 assignment 02

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University of Macau
Faculty of Science & Technology
Department of Computer & Information Science
COIS724. Big Data Processing and Analysis
Assignment 02 for 2nd semester 2022/2023

[Spatial / Multi-dimensional Query Processing]

1. Given a set of homogenous spatial records, e.g., if f1 is the location of a hotel, then q is the location of another hotel. (cf. the following figure). (40%)

(a) As introduced in the class, the 2-NN result of f2 is {q,f3} and the 2-NN of q is {f2,f4}. A reverse 1-nearest neighbor (R1-NN) query is the task of finding the objects that consider you to be their 1-nearest neighbor result. In this case, the R1-NN result of f2 is {q,f3} since q and f3 consider f2 to be their 1-NN result but other objects do not. For clarity, dist(f4,f6)