UY 2214 E20 Simulator


CS-UY 2214
Jeff Epstein
Starter code for E20 simulator

from collections import namedtuple
import argparse

# Some helpful constant values that we’ll be using.
Constants = namedtuple(“Constants”,[“NUM_REGS”, “MEM_SIZE”, “REG_SIZE”])
constants = Constants(NUM_REGS = 8,
MEM_SIZE = 2**13,
REG_SIZE = 2**16)

def load_machine_code(machine_code, mem):
Loads an E20 machine code file into the list
provided by mem. We assume that mem is
large enough to hold the values in the machine
code file.
sig: list(str) -> list(int) -> NoneType
machine_code_re = re.compile(“^ram\[(\d+)\] = 16’b(\d+);.*$”)
expectedaddr = 0
for line in machine_code:
match = machine_code_re.match(line)
if not match:
raise ValueError(“Can’t parse line: %s” % line)
addr, instr = match.groups()
addr = int(addr,10)
instr = int(instr,2)
if addr != expectedaddr:
raise ValueError(“Memory addresses encountered out of sequence: %s” % addr)
if addr >= len(mem):
raise ValueError(“Program too big for memory”)
expectedaddr += 1
mem[addr] = instr

def print_state(pc, regs, memory, memquantity):
Prints the current state of the simulator, including
the current program counter, the current register values,
and the first memquantity elements of memory.
sig: int -> list(int) -> list(int) – int -> NoneType
print(“Final state:”)
for reg, regval in enumerate(regs):
print((“\t$%s=” % reg)+format(regval,”5d”))
for count in range(memquantity):
line += format(memory[count], “04x”)+ ” ”
if count % 8 == 7:
if line != “”:

def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=’Simulate E20 machine’)
parser.add_argument(‘filename’, help=’The file containing machine code, typically with .bin suffix’)
cmdline = parser.parse_args()

with open(cmdline.filename) as file:
pass # TODO: your code here. Load file and parse using load_machine_code

# TODO: your code here. Do simulation.

# TODO: your code here. print the final state of the simulator before ending, using print_state

if __name__ == “__main__”: