MIPS Instruction List

MIPS Instruction Coding
Instruction Coding Formats
MIPS instructions are classified into four groups according to 3 coding formats, NO Pseudo-instructions or co-processor instructions required in Assignment1&2.
R-Type – This group contains all instructions that do not require an immediate value, target offset, memory address displacement, or memory address to specify an operand. This includes arithmetic and logic with all operands in registers, shift instructions, and register direct jump instructions (jalr and jr).
All R-type instructions use opcode 000000.
I-Type – This group includes instructions with an immediate operand, branch instructions, and load and store instructions. In the MIPS architecture, all memory accesses are handled by the main processor, so coprocessor load and store instructions are included in this group.
All opcodes except 000000, 00001x, and 0100xx are used for I-type instructions.
J-Type – This group consists of the two direct jump instructions (j and jal). These instructions require a memory address to specify their operand.
J-type instructions use opcodes 00001x.
Coprocessor Instructions – MIPS processors all have two standard coprocessors, CP0 and CP1. CP0 processes various kinds of program exceptions. CP1 is a floating point processor. The MIPS architecture makes allowance for future inclusion of two additional coprocessors, CP2 and CP3. All coprocessor instructions use opcodes 0100xx.
Note: ALL arithmetic immediate values are sign-extended. After that, they are handled as signed or unsigned 32-bit numbers, depending upon the instruction. Signed instructions can generate an overflow exception; unsigned cannot.
R-Type Instructions (Opcode 000000)
Main processor instructions that do not require a target address, immediate value, or branch displacement use an R-type
http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/~lw/spim/MIPSinstHex.pdf Hex extension by Larry Wittie to original instruction lists by Gary Shute, 26-Jun-2007 Page 1 of 4
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coding format. This format has fields for specifying of up to three registers and a shift amount. For instructions that do not use all of these fields, the unused fields are coded with all 0 bits. All R-type instructions use a 000000 opcode. The operation is specified by the function field.
opcode (6) rs (5) rt (5) rd (5) sa (5) function (6)
Alf Instruction Function Opcd Funct Description Numeric Instruction Function Funct Hex
add rd, rs, rt addu rd, rs, rt and rd, rs, rt break
div rs, rt divu rs, rt jalr rd, rs
mult rs, rt multu rs, rt nor rd, rs, rt or rd, rs, rt sll rd, rt, sa sllv rd, rt, rs slt rd, rs, rt sltu rd, rs, rt sra rd, rt, sa srav rd, rt, rs srl rd, rt, sa srlv rd, rt, rs sub rd, rs, rt subu rd, rs, rt syscall
xor rd, rs, rt
100000 0x00 0x20 100001 0x00 0x21 100100 0x00 0x24 001101 0x00 0x0D 011010 0x00 0x1A 011011 0x00 0x1B 001001 0x00 0x09 001000 0x00 0x08 010000 0x00 0x10 010010 0x00 0x12 010001 0x00 0x11 010011 0x00 0x13 011000 0x00 0x18 011001 0x00 0x19 100111 0x00 0x27 100101 0x00 0x25 000000 0x00 0x00 000100 0x00 0x04 101010 0x00 0x2A 101011 0x00 0x2B 000011 0x00 0x03 000111 0x00 0x07 000010 0x00 0x02 000110 0x00 0x06 100010 0x00 0x22 100011 0x00 0x23 001100 0x00 0x0C 100110 0x00 0x26
Add (with overflow)
Add unsigned (no overflow) Bitwise and
Break (for debugging) Divide
Divide unsigned
Jump and link
Jump register
Move from HI
Move from LO
Move to HI
Move to LO
Multiply unsigned
Bitwise nor
Bitwise or
Shift left logical
Shift left logical variable
Set on less than (signed)
Set on less than unsigned Shift right arithmetic
Shift right arithmetic variable Shift right logical
Shift right logical variable Subtract
Subtract unsigned
System call
Bitwise exclusive or
Please note that the ‘break’ instructions is deleted
I-Type Instructions (All opcodes except 000000, 00001x, and 0100xx)
I-type instructions have a 16-bit immediate field that codes an immediate operand, a branch target offset, or a displacement for a memory operand. For a branch target offset, the immediate field contains the signed difference between the address of the following instruction and the target label, with the two low order bits dropped. The dropped bits are always 0 since instructions are word-aligned.
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For the bgez, bgtz, blez, and bltz instructions, the rt field is used as an extension of the opcode field.
opcode (6)
Alf Instruction
addi rt, rs, immediate addiu rt, rs, immediate andi rt, rs, immediate beq rs, rt, label bgez rs, label
bgtz rs, label
blez rs, label
bltz rs, label
bne rs, rt, label
lb rt, immediate(rs) lbu rt, immediate(rs) lh rt, immediate(rs) lhu rt, immediate(rs) lui rt, immediate
lw rt, immediate(rs) lwc1 rt, immediate(rs) ori rt, rs, immediate sb rt, immediate(rs) slti rt, rs, immediate sltiu rt, rs, immediate sh rt, immediate(rs) sw rt, immediate(rs) swc1 rt, immediate(rs) xori rt, rs, immediate
rs (5) rt (5) immediate (16)
lwl rt, immediate(rs) 100010 lwr rt, immediate(rs) 100110
swl rt, immediate(rs) 101010 swr rt, immediate(rs) 101110
0x25 Load halfword unsigned 0x0F Load upper immediate 0x23 Load word
0x31 Load word coprocessor 1 0x0D Bitwise or immediate
0x28 Store byte
0x0A Set on less than immediate (signed)
0x0B Set on less than immediate unsigned 0x29 Store halfword
0x2B Store word
0x39 Store word coprocessor 1
0x0E Bitwise exclusive or immediate
0x22 Load word left (unaligned) 0x26 Load word right (unaligned)
0x2A Store word left (unaligned) 0x2E Store word right (unaligned)
Please note that the last 4 instructions are updated (lwl, lwr, swl, swr)
Opcode Notes Opcd Description
000100 000001 000111 000110 000001 000101 100000 100100 100001 100101 001111 100011 110001
0x08 Add immediate (with overflow)
0x09 Add immediate unsigned (no overflow) 0x0C Bitwise and immediate
0x04 Branch on rt=00001 0x01 Branch on rt=00000 0x07 Branch on rt=00000 0x06 Branch on rt=00000 0x01 Branch on 0x05 Branch on 0x20 Load byte 0x24 Load byte
greater than or equal to zero greater than zero
less than or equal to zero less than zero
unsigned 0x21 Load halfword
J-Type Instructions (Opcode 00001x)
The only J-type instructions are the jump instructions j and jal. These intructions require a 26-bit coded address field to specify the target of the jump. The coded address is formed from the bits at positions 27 to 2 in the binary representation of the address. The bits at positions 1 and 0 are always 0 since instructions are word-aligned.
When a J-type instruction is executed, a full 32-bit jump target address is formed by concatenating the high order four bits of the PC (the address of the instruction following the jump), the 26 bits of the target field, and two 0 bits.
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MIPS Instruction Coding 2/19/09 1:56 PM
opcode (6) target (26)
Instruction Opcode Target Opcd Description
j label 000010 coded address of label 0x02 Jump
jal label 000011 coded address of label 0x03 Jump and link
Syscalls you need to support in Project2(not required in project1)
The syscalls you need to support are: 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 in the following chart.
Page URL: http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/~lw/spim/MIPSinstHex.pdf from http://www.d.umn.edu/~gshute/spimsal/talref.html Page Author: extensions by Larry Wittie from original no-hex instruction lists by Gary Shute
Last Modified: Saturday, 18-Sep-2010 from original of Tuesday, 26-Jun-2007 12:33:40 CDT
Comments to: lw AT ic DOT sunysb DOT edu (Original instruction list author was http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/~lw/spim/MIPSinstHex.pdf
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How syscall works?
Recall that you will read in a MIPS file as input in your project 1, and you will need to run the code (Read Project 1 instruction first if you do not understand). In your assembling part, you simply need to put the binary code: 00000000000000000000000000001100 in, all syscalls have the same machine code.
How do we distinguish them then? Syscalls are distinguished by checking the value stored in $v0 register. In your simulation part, when ever you see a syscall made (seeing this binary code: 00000000000000000000000000001100), you simply go and check what is stored in $v0. In other words, you can write a switch, with the value in $v0 being the cases. For each case, you simply implement its functionality. Using print_int as an example, in your case: 1 , you can have printf(“%d”, *a0); . The argument column specifies the arguments this syscall takes (the integer to be printed is stored in $a0, for example).
The input MIPS code format
You will need to consider the following situations while reading the input MIPS file:
1. There will only be .data and .text sections.
2. There could be spaces or tabs before and after each line.
3. There could be spaces before and after each element within a line. e.g.
4. There could be empty lines.
5. There could be comments after the line of code. There could also be a line with only comments. Comments are always following a “#”.
6. Labels can be followed by a line of code, or can have it’s own line. Labels are labeling the same line of code in both situations.
label: add $t0, $t1, $t2
add $t0, $t1, $t2
The data types you need to support (for project 2)
The data types you need to support are:
1. ascii 2. asciiz 3. word 4. byte 5. half

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