CPSC 418 hw1

CpSc 418 Homework 1 Due: January 24, 2023, 11:59pm
Getting started with Erlang
Early-Bird: January 22, 2023, 11:59pm
Please submit your solution using:
handin cs-418 hw1 Your solution should contain two files:
hw1.erl: Erlang source code for your solutions to the questions. hw1.pdf: Your solutions to written questions.
Templates for hw1.erl and hw1_tests.erl are available at http://www.students.cs.ubc.ca/~cs-448/2022-2/hw/1/code.html.
The tests in hw1_tests.erl are not exhaustive. If your code doesn’t work with these, it will almost certainly have problems with the test cases used for grading. The actual grading will include other test cases as well. Please submit code that compiles without errors or warnings. If your code does not compile, we might give you zero points on all of the programming problems. If we fix your code to make it compile, we will take off lots of points for that service. If your code generates compiler warnings, we will take off points for that as well, but not as many as for code that doesn’t compile successfully. Any question about whether or
not your code compiled as submitted will be determined by trying it on CS department linux machines. We will take off points for code that prints results unless we specifically asked for print-out. For this assignment, the functions you write should return the specified values, but they should not print anything to stdout. Using io:format when debugging is great, but you need to delete or comment-out such calls before submitting your solution. Printing an error message to stdout when your function is called with invalid arguments is acceptable but not required. Your code must fail with some kind of error when called with
invalid arguments.
This assignment is based on the first thirteen sections of Learn You Some Erlang – up through
More on Multiprocessing.
The Questions (88 points)
1. Maps, Folds, and List Comprehensions (20 points)
(a) sum (8 points) Consider the function
sum(0) -> 0;
sum(N) when is_integer(N), 0 < N ->
N + sum(N-1).
i. Heads or tails (2 points): Is sum head-recursive or tail-recursive?
Revise the body of the function sum_i in the hw1.erl code template to return the atom head_recursive if sum is head-recursive, and tail_recursive otherwise.
ii. (3 points) Write the other version – i.e. if sum is head-recursive, write sum_tr(N) that is tail recursive; likewise, if sum is tail-recursive, write sum_hr(N) that is head recursive. Of course, for any N (including invalid arguments), you should have sum_tr(N) =:= sum(N), or sum_hr(N) =:= sum(N) (depending on which one you need to write). You may need to write a helper function in addition to writing sum_hr or sum_tr.

iii. (3 points) Write another version, sum_iii using lists:foldl, lists:foldr, or lists:map. You can also use lists:seq.
(b) sq (8 points) Consider the function
sq([]) -> [];
sq([Hd | Tl) -> [Hd * Hd | sq(Tl)].
i. Heads or tails (2 points): Is sq head recursive or tail recursive?
Anwer “head recursive” or “tail recursive” and give a one sentence justification for your answer.
ii. (3 points) Write another version using, sq_ii using lists:foldl, lists:foldr, or lists:map.
iii. (3 points) Write another version using, sq_iii using a list comprehension.
(c) Mind reading (4 points)
i. (2 points) Why didn’t I ask you to implement a version of sum using a list comprehension?
ii. (2 points) Why didn’t I ask you to implement the other kind of recursion for sq? I.e. why not write sq_tr if sq is head recursive, or sq_hr if sq is tail recursive?
Note: this really isn’t a mind-reading exercise. Any reasonable answer will be accepted, even if it’s not the one I was thinking of when I wrote the question. You just need to show that you’re thinking about why you use particular Erlang constructs or not.
2. GCD (10 points):
Write a function, gcd(A, B) that returns the greatest common divisor of A and B. Your function should give the correct answer for any integers for A and B as long as they aren’t both 0, and fail if either A or B is not an integer, or if both A and B are 0.
3. What is π? (28 points)
Pick two integers, A and B, uniformly at random with 1 ≤ A,B ≤ N. What is the probability that codeA and B are co-prime (i.e. that gcd(A, B) == 1)? In the limit that N → ∞, this probability converges to 6/π2.
(a) (8 points) Write a function, p(N) whose guard requires N to be a positive integer (i.e. N > 0) and returns the number of distinct pairs of integers, {A, B} with 1 ≤ A, B ≤ N such that A and B are co-prime. For example, p(6) -> 23.
(b) (4 points) Write a function, pi(N) that estimates the value of π based on the value returned from p(N).
(c) (10 points) To get a good estimate, we need a large value of N, and the run-time for p(N) grows quadratically with N (or you probably did something wrong). Now write p(N, M) that generates M samples of the form {A, B} with A and B integers that are uniformly and independently distributed with 1 ≤ A, B ≤ N and returns the number that it generated with A and B co-prime.
(d) (2 points) Write a function, pi(N, M) that estimates the value of π based on the value returned from p(N, M).
(e) (4 points) Try some tests of both pi(N) and pi(N,M). Make a few observations about the quality of the estimates and the execution times. Nothing profound is required here. Just make it clear that you ran your code and thought a little about the results.
4. Generators (30 points)
Many languages provide iterators or generators for producing sequences of values. In Erlang, we can use list comprehensions to process lists of values, and functions such as lists:seq to generate lists of index values. However, it’s annoying that lists:seq actually constructs the list and may use a large amount of memory, even if we don’t need to have the entire list at once. For example,
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lists:sum(lists:seq(1, N))
When I try it on my laptop (a 2015 Macbook Pro), I get a run time of about N*36ns N ≤ 10,000,000, aboutthattwicepervalueforN = 200,000,000,andabout11×slowerpervaluewhenN = 1,000,000,000. Let’s use processes to implement generators!
Here’s the plan. The generator process will generate the sequence of values and send them to the consumer process. The generator sends a special atom done to indicate that all values have been sent. The consumer process will receive each value, process it, and continue. We want to keep it simple for the user; so, we’ll make an example similar to lists:foldl.
In more detail, a generator function is of the form GenFun(GenArg). If there is another value to send to the consumer, GenFun(GenArg) returns a tuple of the form {V, NextArg}, where V is the value to be sent to the consumer process, and NextArg is the argument for the next call to GenFun. Otherwise, the sequence is exhausted, and GenFun(GenArg) returns the atom done.
The consumer function is of the form AccFun(Value, Acc) -> NewAcc. Given the next value in the sequence, Value, and the current accumulator value, Acc, AccFun(Value, Acc) computes the next accumulator value. When all values from the generator have been consumed, our generator based fold will return the final value of Acc.
In the template file, hw1.erl, I provide an example of using a generator with the function gen_test(N). This function computes the sum of the first N integers. The generator function is
fun(I) when I =< N -> {I, I+1}; % {V, NextArg} (I) -> done; % sequence exhausted end
The generator is given an initial value for I of 1. The consumer function, is fun(V, Acc) -> V + Acc end % that was simple
The consumer is given an intial value of 0 for Acc. The complete code for gen_test is
gen_test(N) when is_integer(N) ->
gen_fold(fun(V, Acc) -> V + Acc end, 0, % the consumer, and its initializer
fun(I) when I =< N -> {I, I+1}; % thegenerator… (I) -> done;
end, 1). % . . . and its initializer Your task, of course, it to write the function
gen_fold(ConsumerFun, ConsumerInit, GeneratorFun, GeneratorInit)
In the hopes of promoting learning rather than frustration with this assignment, I’ve sketched an imple- mentation in the template code for hw1.erl. The function gen_fold(ConsumerFun, ConsumerInit, GeneratorFun, GeneratorInit) spawns a generator process, GenProc, and calls
gen_fold(Fun, Acc, GenProc)
The function gen_fold/3 is a tail recursive function that sends next requests to GenProc. It GenProc replies with {gen, GenProc, done}, then gen_fold/3 returns the last value from Fun, i.e. Acc. and gen_fold/3 uses Fun to combine V with the current value of Acc to get the new Acc and continues.
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gen_produce(GenFun, GenArg)
handles interprocess communication for the producer. It waits to receive a message of the form {next,
ConsumerPid} and then calls GenFun to get a new value or done. Let’s turn all of these function descriptions into a problem statement:
(a) (25 points) Implement (or complete the implementations) of the functions: i. gen_produce/2 (10 points)
ii. gen_fold/3 (10 points) iii. gen_fold/4 (5 points)
(b) (5 points) Are your functions gen_fold/3 and gen_produce/2 tail-recursive? Why is it a very good idea to write tail-recursive implementations of these functions? Hint: think about what happens if the user provided generator produces a huge number of values. Note: For full credit, your implementations of gen_fold/3 and gen_produce/2 must be tail-recursive. I’ll take off even more points if you claim that they are tail recursive but they aren’t.
(c) Just for fun: When I tested my implementation, I had a few surprises. First, gen_test(N) was about 400× slower than
lists:sum(lists:seq(1, N))
Erlang messages are supposed to be fast – what happened?! The issue appears to be with the
lambda expression fun(V, Acc) -> V + Acc end and fun(I) -> . . . end. In particular, lists:foldl(fun(V, Acc) V + Acc end, 0, lists:seq(1, N)
is about 50% slower than the test_gen version. Why? I’m don’t know. If you want to experiment with it, have fun. The Erlang installation on the CS department machines is release OTP/22. Later releases may have fixed this. I plan to install OTP/25 on my laptop and give it a try. If lambdas are still slow, I’ll send a report to the Erlang developers.
1. Maps, Folds, and List Comprehensions: These are intended to be easy problems to let you check to make sure that you’re comfortable with the Erlang features that we’ll use throughout the first half of the class.
2. GCD: Another simple example, but one where you need to think a bit about the logic of the function. If you haven’t done programmed in a functional language before, this is a simple “hello world” to write a recursive function. I assume that everyone has seen (or can look up) Euclid’s GCD algorithm. Yeah, I just cited wikipedia rather than the original Greek – deal with it.
3. π: A fun (maybe that depends on your sense of fun) example from number theory. The problem is embarrassingly parallel, and a great candidate for the “reduce” algorithm that we saw with count 3’s. You can look forward to a parallel π problem on HW2.
4. Generators: Erlang is functional programming plus message passing. We’re using it here because it lets us get into the message passing paradigm quickly and fairly easily. Given that, you need to see Erlang processes and messages. This problem does that. As described in Learn You Some Erlang, the typical Erlang program makes extensive use of processes and message, and it hides most of the details behind functions that provide a nice abstraction for the problem you want to solve. This problem gives an illustration of that for

The Library, Errors, Guards, and other good stuff
The CPSC 418 Erlang Library: your code must run on the CS department linux machines.
This assignment doesn’t explicitly use the course library, but some functions like those in the time_it module may be helpful. To access this library from the CS department machines, give the following command
in the Erlang shell:
1> code:add_path(“/home/c/cs-418/public_html/resources/erl”).
You can also set the path from the command line when you start Erlang. I’ve included the following in my
.bashrc so that I don’t have to set the code path manually each time I start Erlang: function erl {
/usr/bin/erl erl -eval ’code:add_path(“/home/c/cs-418/public_html/resources/erl”)’ }
See http://erlang.org/doc/man/erl.html for a more detailed description of the erl command and the options it takes.
If you are running Erlang on your own computer, you can get a copy of the course library from
Unpack it in a directory of your choice, and use code:add_path as described above to use it. Changes may be made to the library to add features or fix bugs as the term progresses. I try to minimize the disruption and will announce any such changes.
Compiler Errors: if your code doesn’t compile, it is likely that you will get a zero on all coding questions. Please do not submit code that does not compile successfully. After grading all assignments that compile successfully, we might look at some of the ones that don’t. This is entirely up to the discretion of the instructor. If you have half-written code that doesn’t compile, please comment it out or delete it.
Compiler Warnings: your code should compile without warnings. In my experience, most of the Erlang compiler warnings point to real problems. For example, if the compiler complains about an unused variable, that often means I made a typo later in the function and referred to the wrong variable, and ended up not using the one I wanted. Of course, the “base case” in recursive function often has unused parameters – use a _ to mark these as unused. Other warnings such as functions that are defined but not used, the wrong number of arguments to an io:format call, etc., generally point to real mistakes in the code. We will take off points for compiler warnings.
Printing to stdout: please don’t unless we specifically ask you to. If you include a short error message when throwing an error, that’s fine, but not required. If you print anything for a case with normal execution when no printing was specified, we will take off points.
Guards: in general, guards are a good idea. If you use guards, then your code will tend to fail close to the actual error, and that makes debugging easier. Guards also make your intentions and assumptions part of the code. Documenting your assumptions in this way makes it much easier if someone else needs to work with your code, or if you need to work with your code a few months or a few years after you originally wrote it. There are some cases where adding guards would cause the code to run much slower. In those cases, it can be reasonable to use comments instead of guards. Here are a few rules for adding guards:
• If you need the guard to write easy-to-read patterns, use the guard. For example, to have separate casesforN > 0andN < 0. • If adding the guard makes your code easier to read (and doesn’t have a significant run-time penalty), use the guard. • If a function is an “entry point” into your code (e.g. an exported function) it’s good to have your assumptions about arguments clearly stated. Ideally, you this with guards, that is great. – Often, a function can only be implemented for some values of its arguments. For example, we might have: CS Help, Email: tutorcs@163.com sendSquare(Pid, N) -> Pid ! N*N.
A call such as SendSquare([1, 2, 3], cow) doesn’t make sense. Bad calls should throw an error (e.g. a badarg error). Please, don’t silently ignore bad arguments, for example
sendSquare(Pid, N) ->
if is_pid(Pid) and is_number(N) -> Pid ! {square, N*N};
true -> “messed up actual arguments” % Don’t do this. end
The caller might very well ignore the return value of SendSquare, and Pid might end up blocking, waiting for a message that will never arrive. Furthermore, putting tests to see if the return value is an error code is so C, but throwing explicit exceptions and writing error handlers (if you want to do something other than killing the process that threw the error) is so much easier to write, read, and maintain.
We will test your code on bad arguments and make sure that an error gets thrown.
• Adding lots of little guards to every helper function can clutter your code. Write the code that you would want others to write if you are going to read it.
• In some cases, guards can cause a severe performance penalty. In that case, it’s better to use a wrapper function so you can test the guards once and then go on from there. Or you can use comments; comments don’t slow down the code. Any exported function should throw an error when called with bad arguments.
A common case for omitting guards occurs with tail-recursive functions. We often write a wrapper function that initializes the “accumulator” and then calls the tail-recursive code. We export the wrapper, but the tail-recursive part is not exported because the user doesn’t need to know the details of the tail- recursive implementation. In this case, it makes sense to declare the guards for the wrapper function. If those guarantee the guards for the tail-recursive code, and the tail recursive code can only be called from inside its module, then we can omit the guards for the tail-recursive version. This way, the guards get checked once, but hold for all of the recursive calls. Doing this gives us the robustness of guard checking and the speed of tail recursion.
Unless otherwise noted or cited, the questions and other material in this homework problem set is copyright 2023 by Mark Greenstreet and are made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/