CPSC 418 hw2 Erlang

-module(hw2). % template code for CPSC 418, HW2.

-export([p/2]). % function for Question 1
-export([reduce_bu/3]). % function for Question 2
-export([scan_bu/4]). % function for Question 2

% functions for Question 4
-export([brownie_steps/2, brownie_seq/2, brownie_max_mag/1, brownie_max_mag/2,
brownie_par/3, brownie_stat/3, brownie_stat/4]).

% a few utility functions
-export([gcd/2, missing_implementation/1]).

% %
% template for Q1: use reduce to estimate π %
% %

% p(W, N) -> HowManyCoPrimeIntegersInOneToN
% W is a worker tree created by red:create.
% N is a non-negative integer.
% Count the number of pairs of integers, {A, B}, 1 =< A,B =< N such A and % B are co-prime. Do this in parallel using red:reduce. In my solution, % each process calls red:get(ProcState, index) to find out which worker % it is, and uses that to determine which subset of [1,N] x [1,N] it should % be testing. p(W, N) when is_pid(W), is_integer(N), 0 =< N ->
missing_implementation([p, W, N]).

% %
% template for Q2: reduce (bottom up) %
% %

%reduce_bu(ProcState, LeafVal, Combine) -> Total
% Called by the leaf processes of a worker treee created by red:create.
% Parameters:
% ProcState is the leaf process’s ‘state’ (i.e. dictionary)
% LeafVal is the leaf process’s contribution to the total.
% Combine is the (associative) function for combining values
% Result:
% Total is the value obtained by Combine’ing the results from all of
% the worker processes. Note that this also provides a barrier:
% reduce_bu won’t return for any worker in the tree until after
% *all* workers have called reduce_bu.
% Hints:
% You’re task it to implement reduce_bu.
% Lucky for you, I implemented red:create to provide some bindings in
% ProcState that are needed to solve this problem:
% parent: The pid of this nodes parent. If this node is the root
% of the worker tree, then parent is the atom ‘none’.
% children_bu: A list of pid’s for the roots of subtrees that
% descend from this process, arranged in bottom-up order. Consider
% a tree with 8 processes, P0, …, P7, and let ProcStatek denote the
% ProcState for Pk. Then,
% red:get(ProcState0, children_bu) -> [P1, P2, P4].
% red:get(ProcState2, children_bu) -> [P3].
% red:get(ProcState4, children_bu) -> [P5, P6].
% red:get(ProcState6, children_bu) -> [P7].
% red:get(ProcStatek, children_bu) -> [], for k in [1,3,5,7].
% You could get this by trying (at the Erlang prompt):
% 1> W8 = red:create(8). % create a worker tree with 8 workers
% <0.81.0>
% 2> red:retrieve(W8, fun(PS) ->
% {{index, red:get(PS, index)},
% {pid, self()},
% {children_bu, red:get(PS, children_bu)}}
% end, false).
% [[[{{index,0},{pid,<0.81.0>},{children_bu,[<0.84.0>,<0.83.0>,<0.82.0>]}},
% {{index,1},{pid,<0.84.0>},{children_bu,[]}}],
% [{{index,2},{pid,<0.83.0>},{children_bu,[<0.87.0>]}},
% {{index,3},{pid,<0.87.0>},{children_bu,[]}}]],
% [[{{index,4},{pid,<0.82.0>},{children_bu,[<0.86.0>,<0.85.0>]}},
% {{index,5},{pid,<0.86.0>},{children_bu,[]}}],
% [{{index,6},{pid,<0.85.0>},{children_bu,[<0.88.0>]}},
% {{index,7},{pid,<0.88.0>},{children_bu,[]}}]]]
% Note that the children of process 0 (i.e. index=0, pid=<0.81.0>) are
% processes 1 (pid=84), 2 (pid=83), and 4 (pid=82). You can work out
% the others.
% red:reduce that you used in Q1 implements the top-down version of
% reduce. If you read and understand that code, that may help you
% figure out how to implement reduce_bu.
% Your solution should be *much* shorter than this comment.

reduce_bu(ProcState, LeafVal, Combine) ->
% Hint: my solution just calls a helper:
% reduce_bu(Val, Combine, Children_bu, ParentPid).
% Of course, you then need to implement reduce_bu/4.
% Try hw2_tests:reduce_x(4, false) to run a simple test.
missing_implementation([reduce_bu, ProcState, LeafVal, Combine]).

% %
% template for Q3: scan (bottom up) %
% %

% scan_bu(ProcState, AccIn, LeafVal, Combine)
scan_bu(ProcState, AccIn, LeafVal, Combine) ->
% Hint: very similar to reduce_bu.
% Try hw2_tests:scan_x(4, false) to run a simple test.
missing_implementation([scan_bu, ProcState, AccIn, LeafVal, Combine]).

% %
% template for Q4: random walk %
% %
% First, I provide a sequential implementation: %
% brownie_steps(N, Alpha) -> a list of N steps with the distribution %
% with parameter Alpha %
% brownie_seq(Steps, Pos0) -> a list of N positions when taking the %
% the steps in list Steps, starting %
% from position Pos0. %
% brownie_max_mag(Seq) -> the furthest point from the origin in Seq. %
% brownie_stats(N, Alpha, M) -> compute brownie_max_mag for M sequences %
% where the steps are from %
% brownie_steps(N, Alpha). Return %
% [{mean, Mean}, {std, Std}] %
% the mean and standard deviation. %
% %
% Then, the template: %
% brownie_par(W, N, Alpha) -> parallel version of brownnie_max_mag. %
% Of course, you can use the functions from the sequential version in %
% your solution. %
% %

brownie_steps(N, Alpha) ->
Pi = 4.0*math:atan(1.0),
Theta = misc:rlist(N, 2*Pi),
X = [ case X of
0.0 -> -100.0;
_ -> math:log(X)
end / Alpha
|| X <- misc:rlist(N, 1.0) ], [ {R*math:cos(Th), R*math:sin(Th)} || {R, Th} <- lists:zip(X, Theta) ]. brownie_seq(Steps, Pos0) when is_list(Steps), is_tuple(Pos0) ->
fun({DX, DY}, {X,Y}) ->
Pos = {X+DX, Y+DY},
{Pos, Pos}
Pos0, Steps);
brownie_seq(N, Alpha) when is_integer(N), is_float(Alpha) ->
{Seq, _} = brownie_seq(brownie_steps(N, Alpha), {0,0}),

brownie_max_mag(Seq) ->
fun({X,Y}, Max) ->
max(Max, math:sqrt(X*X + Y*Y))
end, 0, Seq).
brownie_max_mag(N, Alpha) -> brownie_max_mag(brownie_seq(N, Alpha)).

brownie_stat(N, Alpha, M) ->
Acc = stat:accum([brownie_max_mag(N, Alpha) || _ <- lists:seq(1,M)]), [{mean, stat:mean(Acc)}, {std, stat:std(Acc)}]. brownie_stat(W, N, Alpha, M) ->
Acc = stat:accum([brownie_par(W, N, Alpha) || _ <- lists:seq(1,M)]), [{mean, stat:mean(Acc)}, {std, stat:std(Acc)}]. brownie_par(W, N, Alpha) ->
% see the problem statement if you’d like some hints.
missing_implementation([brownie_par, W, N, Alpha]).

% A few utilities to make sure the code compiles without warnings.
% If you try running one of the functions that is required for the
% assignment but haven’t replaced the template code with an actual
% solution, we’ll print an error.
% I provided gcd/2 for Q1 — it’s a cut-and-paste from hw1.erl.
gcd(A, 0) when is_integer(A) -> abs(A);
gcd(0, B) when is_integer(B) -> abs(B);
gcd(A, B) when is_integer(A), A < 0 -> gcd(-A, B);
gcd(A, B) when is_integer(B), B < 0 -> gcd(A, -B);
gcd(A, B) when is_integer(A), is_integer(B), A >= B -> gcd_tail(A, B);
gcd(A, B) when is_integer(A), is_integer(B) -> gcd_tail(B, A).

gcd_tail(A, 0) -> A;
gcd_tail(A, B) -> gcd_tail(B, A rem B).

missing_implementation([FunAtom | Args]) ->
io:format(“missing or incomplete implementations for ~w(“, [FunAtom]),
case Args of
[Arg1 | ArgTl] ->
io:format(“~p”, [Arg1]),
[ io:format(“, ~p”, [Arg]) || Arg <- ArgTl ]; _ -> io:format(“garbled_args(~w)”, [Args])
error([missing_implementation, FunAtom, Args]).