6002 mobile app CW

Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing 6002CEM Mobile App Development
Assignment Brief and Grading Rubric 2023-2024
Module Title Mobile App Development
Ind/Group Individual
Cohort January
Module Code 6002CEM
Coursework Title
Designing and Building a Mobile App
Hand Out Date 19/01/23
Mr. Bogdan Boldur
Due Date 04/04/23 Online: 18:30:00
Estimated Time (hrs):
Word Limit*:
Coursework Type Individual Practical Element
100% of Module Mark
Submission Arrangement Online via Aula: A text file with links (Video Link + Github Repository) uploaded through the assignment link.
File Type:
A PDF file with two links:
• A 8-min maximum demonstration video uploaded to Google Drive/YouTube
• A Coventry University GitHub Repository link where you hosted the project
Mark and Feedback Method: Rubric marks and comments
Failing to submit the Coventry University GitHub Repository link will result in a zero mark for this assessment.
Module Learning Outcomes Assessed
1. Design and implement a mobile application, showing systematic knowledge of relevant tools, methods and processes.
2. Understand and critically evaluate the different tools and techniques for mobile application development.
3. Scope, design, implement and critically evaluate a basic security policy to keep confidential data safe on a mobile device.
4. Demonstrate an ability to maintain ease of data access/usability across several platforms.
5.Understand,articulate and provide sustained argument on how Cloud Computing can be used to enhance the mobile computing in business.

Assignment Brief
You are required to design and build a .NET Maui app that demonstrates your proficiency in the skills that have been taught during the module.
The application must be developed using the C# programming language and .NET Maui framework.
The app idea can be anything you can think of (e.g., Weather app, Notes app, Recipes app, Fitness apps etc.). However, please carefully read the grading rubrics to make sure when you build your app, you take into consideration all the necessary aspects to get a high grade.
You can use any kind of 3rd party libraries if they are not paid for or would in any shape or form generate the application for you (please consult with the module leader if in doubt).
You may use sample code from the labs, videos, demos or any other online sources referenced throughout this module if you understand why you used. However, you must annotate the code if you copied bigger chunks and specify the reason for copy it. Copying code from other sources and not properly referencing it will be dealt with accordingly.
Submission file Type: PDF Submission file requirements:
1. GitHub Repository
a. As part of this submission, you need to create a repository in the 6002CEM
organization. Your individual repository should be named 6002CEM_StudentName
b. The repository MUST have a Readme file containing the name of the application, a short background/motivation, and a summary with what FEATURES I will be able to see in the video. This must not be more than 700 words.
2. Video Link:
a. You are required to create a video that clearly showcases the application you have
developed. As part of this video, you should show each screen that you can navigate to within the application, any functionality you have on these screens and any sensors/external APIs or cloud providers that you have used. Guidelines to follow can be found below:
i. If you use any external APIs or cloud providers for authentication services or data persistence, you must make sure that we can clearly see the setup you made. Use the below guidelines:
• Explain in the video what cloud providers you integrated and
how. I should be able to see the code on the screen.
• Have images with the dashboard setup and in-code screenshots with implemented classes – in the submission file).
ii. The video must be no longer than 8 minutes and have a quality of at least 720HD. Show your app running on the screen and how to use it.
iii. The video link must be uploaded on OneDrive/YouTube and be provided in the submission file.
iv. The video must have VOICE or SUBTITLES to avoid confusion.
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1. You are expected to use the Coventry University APA style for referencing. For supportand advice on this students can contact Centre for Academic Writing (CAW).
2. Please notify your registry course support team and module leader for disability support.
3. Any student requiring an extension or deferral should follow the university
process asoutlined here.
4. The University cannot take responsibility for any coursework lost or corrupted on disks,laptops or personal computer. Students should therefore regularly back-up any work and are advised to save it on the University system.
5. If there are technical or performance issues that prevent students submitting courseworkthrough the online coursework submission system on the day of a coursework deadline, an appropriate extension to the coursework submission deadline will be agreed. This extension will normally be 24 hours or the next working day if the deadline falls on a Friday or over the weekendperiod. This will be communicated via your Module Leader.
6. Assignments that are more than 10% over the word limit will result in a deduction of 10%of the mark i.e. a mark of 60% will lead to a reduction of 6% to 54%. The word limit includes quotations, but excludes the bibliography, reference list and tables.
7. You are encouraged to check the originality of your work by using the draft Turnitin links on Aula.
8. Collusion between students (where sections of your work are similar to the work submitted by other students in this or previous module cohorts) is taken extremely seriously and will be reported to the academic conduct panel. This applies to both courseworks and exam answers.

9. A marked difference between your writing style, knowledge and skill level demonstrated in-class discussion, any test conditions and that demonstrated in a coursework assignment may result in you having to undertake a Viva Voce in order to prove the coursework assignment is entirely your own work.
10. If you make use of the services of a proof reader in your work you must keep your original version and make it available as a demonstration of your written efforts.
11. Youmustnotsubmitworkforassessmentthatyouhavealreadysubmitted(partially or in full), either for your current course or for another qualification of this university, with the exception of resits, where for the coursework, you may be asked to rework and improve a previous attempt. This requirement will be specifically detailed in your assignment brief or specific course or moduleinformation. Where earlier work by you is citable, i.e. it has already been published/submitted, you must reference it clearly. Identical pieces of work submitted concurrently may also be considered to be self- plagiarism.

Marking scheme
No attempt (0.00)
Very poor (20.00)
Poor (40.00)
Good (60.00)
Excellent (80.00)
Outstanding (100.00)
Features and Background (20%)
Number of features – Video(10%)
No features observed invideo.
1-2 feature can be observed in both read-me and video. **
3 features can be seen in both read-me and video. **
4-5 features can be seen in both read-me and video. **
6 features can be seen in both read- me and video. **
At least 7 features are present in both read- me and video. **
Motivation/ Background (10%)
No backgroun dobserved inthe read-me file in the repo.
Very poor explanation for motivation and features in the read- mefile in the repo.
Poor explanation for motivation and features in the read-me file in the repo.
Good explanation for motivation and features in the read-me file in the repo.
Excellent explanation for motivation and features in the read- me file in the repo.
Outstanding explanation for motivation and features in the read-mfile in the repo.
User interface and styling (15%)
UI usage– Video (15%)
No UI observed.
No styling applied.
Very limited usage of UI(very basic UI complexity*).
Limited usage of UI can be observed (basic UI complexity*).
Good usage of UI can be observed (Medium UI complexity*).
Very good usage of UI can be observed (Medium-Complex complexity*).
Outstanding usage ofUI can be observed (Comprehensive complexity* and at least an attempt to create a custom control).
No link provided or link provided that leads to anempty repository.
Link provided, valid repository (read-me included)
Less than 6 commits
Less than one week commit history
One branch
No merges present.
Link provided, valid repository (read-me included)
At least 6 commits
At least one week commit history
One branch
No merges present.
Link provided, valid repository (read-me included)
At least 10 commits spaced regularly during the development time
At least one week commit history
Two branches (main – for the release and development)
At least one Merge from development back into release.
Link provided, valid repository (read-me included)
At least 12 commits spacedregularly during the development time
At least Two branches (mainand development)
At least two weeks commithistory Attempted to use feature branches (one) for individualfeatures.
One merge from a featurebranch into development.
One merge from developmentback into main.
Link provided, valid repository (read-me included)
At least 12 commits spaced regularly duringthe development time
At Least Two branches(main and development)
At least two weekscommit history
Clear usage of feature branches (At least two)for individual features
At least two merges from a feature branchinto development andfrom development in main
Version control (10%)
App architecture (35%)
MVVM integration (20%)
No attempt at integration MVVMcan beseen. All the business logicis in the code- behind.
Very limited attempt atintegration of MVVM
Thereisverylimited attempt to use 1 view-model
Most of the code still resides in code- behind.
Limited attempt at integration of MVVM
At least 2 view-models have been implemented correctly in the app
There is still a lot of code behind in the other pages of the app.
Adequate attempt at integration of MVVM
At least 4 correctly implementedview models can be observed
There is still some code- behind left in some of the pages but overall, not worrying.
Good attempt at integrationof MVVM
At least 6 correctly implementedview modelscan be observed
There is a base vide model for inheritance and adherence of DRY principle.
There is very little code behind left across the app.
Comprehensive attempt at integrationof MVVM.
At 8 eight correctly implementedviewmodels can be observed
There is a base vide model for inheritanceand adherence of DRYprinciple.
No code-behind can befound in the app.
Software design patterns (10%)
No software design patternused.
One software design pattern used or at leastattempted***.
One software design pattern correctly used***.
Two software design patterns used***.
Three software Four or more softwaredesign designpatterns patterns used***.
Separation of concerns (5%)
No attempt toseparate the concerns
The whole application is residing underthe root project.
Very poor separation ofconcerns within the app
Not all of Models/View- models/Services/Interf aces have their own folders
A least 1 of the above categories can be seen inthe project structure.
Poor separation of concerns
Not all of Models/View- models/Services/Interfaces have their own folders but
At least 2 of the above categories can be seen in the project structure.
Good separation of concerns
Not all of Models/View- models/Services/Interfa ces have their own folders
At least 3 of the above categories can be seen in the project structure.
Very Good separation of concerns
Not all of Models/View- models/Services/Interf aceshave their own folders but
At least 4 of the above categories can be seen in theproject structure.
Outstanding separation of concerns
All of Models/View- models/Services/Interfaces have their own folders respectively
There are other foldersas well for different functions of the app such as Converters.
Database integration (10%)
No database integratio n
Very limited database integration. The integration crashes whenattempt to see the resultsof any available query
Local integration.
Limited database integration. At two one CRUD operations present
Local integration.
Good database integration. At least three CRUD operations present
Local integration.
Comprehensive database integration. At least three CRUD operations present
Cloud integration
Comprehensive database integration.All CRUD operations can be seen.
Cloud integration

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Cloud integration (10%)
No cloud integratio n observed
Very limited cloud integration. Very limited(not working/partially working) attempt at oneAPI integration (authentication- authorisation or database integration or public API integration)
Limited cloud integration. Limited attempt(working) to integrate one external API(authentication- authorisation or database integration or public API integration)
At least 1 endpoint working.
Good cloud integration.
One external API integrated (authentication- authorisation or database integration or public API integration)
At least 2 endpoints
Very good cloud integration.Two external API integrated.
One must be authentication/autho risation integration.
Second can be any public/databa se API
Excellent cloud integration.
Two or more externalAPIs integrated.
One must be authentication- authorisation.

1. *UI Complexity:
Very basic UI complexity:
At least 3 different UI controls are seen across the app.
Basic UI complexity:
At least 5 different UI controls are seen across the app.
Must include at least one type of the following layouts: VerticalStackLayout, HorizontalStackLayout, Grid or FlexLayout.
Medium UI complexity:
At least 7 different UI controls are seen across the app. Must include the following UI controls: CollectionView
Medium-Complex UI complexity:
At least 7 different UI controls are seen across the app.
Must include one type of the following: Flyouts(with at least 3 working links) or TabBar (with at least 3 tabs).
Comprehensive UI complexity:
At least 8 different UI controls are seen across the app. At least an attempt to build your own Control.
2. To be awarded Medium level for UI complexity, you must first make sure you have the requirements for the previous levels achieved.
For example, if you aim for Medium UI complexity, you need to have reached the previous levels by making sure you have at least 7 different UI elements (Which covers Very Basic usage, Basic usage and Medium usage), include either a StackLayout or a Gridlayout and have at least one CollectionView in your app.
3. **A feature is a meaningful user goal:
A user can log-in and register (User authentication/registration is considered one flow as you cannot log-in unless you first register). A user can access user details
And modify them
A user can change the app theme and all elements are updated accordingly. A user can see the listings
And filter them based on some criteria. And see the listing details
a. Each of the above can be considered a feature of your app. More generally, a feature can be considered a new page in your app with some working functionality or a piece of UI on a page that leads to some new functionality.
Register-Login flow is considered one feature.
Filtering and sorting can be considered 1 feature each. For example, if 3 of your pages are using some sort of filtering, I will consider
filtering as 1 feature. The same goes for sorting.
4. ***Does Not include the fact .NET Maui comes pre-loaded with IoC (Inversion of Control) and DI (Dependency Injection) if I cannot see a clear usage of these patterns.
available and working
3 endpoints available and working
Second must be database integration.
At least 4 endpoints available and working

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