1 Overview
What you will learn:
Project 3: CMUD
• Collaboratively developing a large-scale system with multiple different components communicating via RPCs (Lecture Sep 27)
• Enforcing consistency guarantees for replicated data (Lecture Oct 6)
• Using an Actor Model to coordinate across cores and machines using message passing
(Lecture Oct 27)
• Working with a scalable web service architecture (Lecture Nov 10)
Important dates:
Project release: Friday, November 17, 2023
Checkpoint due: Thursday, November 30, 2023 at 11:59pm Final Project due: Friday, December 8, 2023 at 11:59pm
You must work on this project with a partner who is also in the class. As with P1, only one member of each group will need to submit to Gradescope (check the README for submission guidelines), and after submitting, make sure to add your partner under Group Members.
You will have 15 submissions for each due date. Your Gradescope submission will output a message showing how many submissions you have made and how many you have left. Gradescope will allow you to submit beyond this limit, but we will be checking manually. Only your activated submission counts (by default your last submission).
Gradescope will count how many submissions are under your name, and help you calculate the number of remaining submissions. To better keep track of the number of submissions for your group, please add your partner as a Group Member for EACH submission. We won’t accept requests to update scores if you miscount the number of submissions of your group.
The same late policy as previous projects will apply here as well—at most 3 late days are allowed per deadline for valid reasons with no penalty. No submissions will be accepted 3 days after each deadline. You are allocated a total of 3 late days.
15-440 Project 3
Please note that there is one checkpoint for this project, which is 25% of the final grade. For more information regarding what portion of the project is expected to be completed for the checkpoint, please refer to Section 8.
Like P1 and P2, the starter code for this project is hosted through Github Classroom, which will create a private repository for you and your partner. To create your copy, please follow the link posted on Edstem to accept the assignment.
To clone a copy, follow the instructions on your team’s Github repository once it has been created.
2 Architecture
In this project, you will implement portions of a multiplayer online game called CMUD. In CMUD, players progress through the ranks of CMU computer science by mining coins, improving their hardware, and solving hard problems. The game is a Multi-User Dungeon (MUD), meaning that all players inhabit the same virtual world and interact with it through a text terminal.
Unlike a traditional MUD with a single application server, CMUD uses the globally dis- tributed architecture shown in Figure 1. Players run the CMUD client app on their own machine, which connects to a nearby (low ping) backend storage server. The CMUD client is stateless, converting the player’s inputs into queries against the backend storage server and printing out the results. Different backend storage servers “sync” with each other (i.e., exchange data in the background) to maintain a single consistent global state, so that all users see the same virtual world, including each others’ actions.
The backend storage system itself implements a simple key-value store for string keys and values, similar to Project 0. Specifically, it supports operations to Get and Put key value pairs, plus an operation to List all key-value pairs starting with a given prefix. Since this API is very simple, all application logic happens on the client, unlike the classic three-tier architecture with separate application and backend servers; see Figure 2.
The advantage of this architecture is that it simplifies app development and deployment: a cloud provider can run the same generic backend storage system for many apps, while individual app developers only need to code and deploy their app’s client, not their own servers.1 In this project, though, you will be implementing the backend storage system, while we provide most of the CMUD client app as starter code.
1This is sometimes called a “serverless” deployment model, since app developers do need to deploy or manage individual servers, although of course there are servers somewhere in the system. For a real-world example of a system that supports apps in this way, see Google’s Cloud Firestore.
eu-central-2 (Frankfurt)
query actor
query actor
key-value store
key-value store
us-east-2 (Ohio)
ap-northeast-3 (Osaka)
query actor
query actor
key-value store
key-value store
query actor
query actor
key-value store
key-value store
Figure 1: CMUD’s globally distributed architecture.
2.1 Components
In more detail, CMUD’s components are as follows.
CMUD App The CMUD app is the layer seen by the user. Its function is to interpret user commands, convert them into backend operations, and present the results back to the user. For this project, the CMUD-specific part of the client has been provided as starter code, located in the app package. However, you will have to implement:
Storage Client (Section 6) The storage client is the library that an app uses to interact with the backend storage system, located in the kvclient package. It converts Go function calls into RPCs for a nearby backend storage server.
Backend Storage System (Section 3) The backend storage system provides a key/value storage service for string values (much like a hash table), located in the kvserver package. Each storage server will support Get, Put, and List queries. In addition, the storage system will support the following features:
• It provides low latency to all clients by being geographically distributed (many servers around the world, so each client is close to one) and highly available (each server can answer queries without waiting to coordinate with others).
• It uses multiple CPU cores per server to answer queries in parallel, increasing throughput.
15-440 Project 3
Client & Application Backend Storage Servers (Geodistributed)
query actor
query actor
query actor
MUD KV Client Client
MUD KV Client Client
MUD KV Client Client
MUD KV Client Client
Figure 2: Layers in CMUD: clients (doubling as application layer) and backend storage servers.
• It enforces eventual consistency in the face of concurrent queries using a last- writer-wins rule.
Actor System (Section 4) The backend storage system is itself built on top of an actor system, located in the actor package. This means that it consists of independent processing units called actors, described in Section 4. The actor system is responsible for managing these actors and passing messages between them. Most of the actor package has been provided as starter code, but you will have to implement the pieces described in Section 4.2.
We begin by describing the backend storage system in detail.
3 Backend Storage System
In jargon, the backend storage system (package kvserver) is a “geographically distributed, highly available, NoSQL key-value store”. NoSQL means that it provides data storage and retrieval mechanisms, but it does not use a relational model like traditional databases. Instead, it is a key-value store with a simple Get/Put data model. The backend’s design is based on Anna KVS [5], with additional inspiration from Apache Cassandra [1], Amazon Dynamo [3], and others [2].
The backend storage system consists of one or more servers (type *kvserver.Server), distributed across cloud or edge data centers around the world. Each server runs a single
15-440 Project 3
Go process that responds to key-value store queries on several ports—nominally one port per CPU core, although we may violate this for tests’ sake.
For each port, the server runs a query actor (file kvserver/query actor.go) that responds to queries sent to that port. Each query actor is an actor; we’ll describe these in detail in Section 4, but for now, you can think of an actor like a thread or goroutine that is not allowed to share memory with other actors. Because of this “shared-nothing” constraint, each actor stores a replica of the entire key-value store in its own private hash table.
All query actors on all servers are replicas of the same data, so a storage system client can send queries to any query actor. Typically, a client will choose a random query actor (for load balancing) on a geographically nearby server (for low latency).
3.1 Queries
Supported queries on each port (equivalently, each query actor) are:
• Get(key): Returns the value associated with key, if present.
• Put(key, value): Sets the value associated with key.
• List(prefix): Returns all (key, value) pairs whose key starts with prefix, sim- ilar to recursively listing all files in a folder.
RPCs for these queries are defined by the QueryReceiver interface in kvcommon/rpc types.go. In NewServer (file kvserver/server.go), for each query actor, you should start an RPC server on the appropriate port and register a receiver implementing QueryReceiver. Each QueryReceiver RPC handler should forward its query to its actor (via ActorSystem.Tell), wait for a response from that actor (via ActorSystem.NewChannelRef), and then reply to
its caller. See Figure 3.
Each query actor answers queries (forwarded by its QueryReceiver) using its local hash table. For List, it is okay for the actor to loop over its whole hash table checking for keys with the given prefix.2
To get started with RPCs, please consult the net/rpc package docs and the commented sample code in kvserver/server.go. Keep in mind Go’s rules around methods made available for remote access.
2A real implementation would use a fancier data structure than a hash table to make List queries efficient.
Figure 3: Methods involved in answering a client query.
3.2 Consistency (Syncing)
To keep game latency low, query actors always reply to queries immediately, using their private hash table’s current state. In particular, each query actor applies Put queries to its own hash table immediately and shows that value to future reads (Get and List).
To keep all query actors’ states consistent, each query actor occasionally communicates with other query actors (both on the same server and on remote servers) to inform them of newly-Put values. We refer to this communication process as syncing.3
You will implement syncing by sending messages between actors using the actor system, as described in Section 5. As a prerequisite, though, we first describe actors and the actor system in detail.
4 Actor System
Recall from the Distributed Computing lecture (Oct 31) that an actor is an abstraction of a process that:
• Processes messages from a FIFO mailbox;
• May have local state, but may not share memory with others;
• May send a point-to-point message to any other actor in its distributed system, asynchronously adding that message to the recipient’s mailbox.
For example, the following shows pseudocode for a simple “counter actor”:
3Note that this is distinct from synchronization in the sense of e.g. mutexes. 6
15-440 Project 3
actor state: count int
def actor.OnMessage(message):
switch (message type):
case MAdd:
actor.count += message.Value
case MGet:
send MResult{actor.count} to message.Sender
This actor stores a count as its local state and receives MAdd and MGet messages. When another actor sends it an MAdd message, it adds the value indicated in the message to its count. When another actor sends it an MGet message, it responds with its current value by communicating in the only way it can: sending a message, in this case back to the sender, which is identified by an actor ref included in the message.
Observe that OnMessage proceeds sequentially: it processes a message step-by-step and returns, ready to process the next message, without syncing or waiting for responses. In particular, sending a message to another actor never blocks; the sent message is added to that actor’s mailbox, so sending proceeds even if the other actor is busy processing prior messages.
In the actor system you will use, messages have the following delivery guarantees, similar to Akka’s:
• Messages are delivered in order per sender-receiver pair.
• Messages are delivered at-most-once, so message delivery may fail. Failures are silent,
i.e., the sender is not explicitly notified.
• Generally, messages will be delivered exactly-once unless someone goes wrong (e.g., a network or server failure). For this project, you do not need to handle server or network failures, so in particular you do not need to resend dropped messages.
The actor programming model allows coordination both within the same machine and across the network, without blocking, locking, or race conditions. Because actors cannot share memory, you need to architect actor programs differently than you are used to, but this often leads to programs that are easier to distribute across multiple servers. Actors also have fault-tolerance benefits, but because you do not need to handle failures for this project, the provided actor package omits fault-tolerance features.
15-440 Project 3
4.1 Package actor4
Package actor provides ActorSystem (file actor/actor system.go), a basic Go actor system inspired by Akka. ActorSystem is responsible for starting and running actors, de- livering messages to actors’ mailboxes, and sending and receiving messages to/from actors in remote ActorSystems. It also has functions to communicate with actors from outside the actor system. Typically, you will have one ActorSystem instance per process, running all actors in that process.
Actors are implementers of the Actor interface (file actor/actor.go), which has a single function OnMessage(message interface) error. This function is called in-order for each message sent to the actor (if the actor falls behind, messages are buffered FIFO in its mailbox). Inside OnMessage, the actor may read and write its local state (i.e., its struct fields) and send messages to other actors.
4.2 Finishing the Actor System
You will need to implement two small pieces of the actor system:
1. For the checkpoint, fill in the Mailbox implementation in actor/mailbox.go. This is the FIFO mailbox that ActorSystem uses to queue messages for delivery to a particular actor or remote server. It essentially behaves like an infinite-buffered Go channel. See the file’s doc comments for more details.
2. For the final deadline, fill in the functions in actor/remote tell.go. These are used to deliver messages from one ActorSystem to a remote ActorSystem. Internally, they should use RPCs.
4.3 Using the actor Package
We now describe how to use the actor package, including some important restrictions on actors. Full info can be found in the actor package documentation. We also provide an example in the example folder; you are free to copy and modify it. Note that the example code will only work after you finish the Mailbox implementation.
First, import the package as “github.com/cmu440/actor”. Next, call system, err := actor.NewActorSystem(port)
4On a first reading, you may wish to skip to Section 5, which describes how you will actually use actors in your backend storage system.
15-440 Project 3
to get an instance of *ActorSystem. The port is used to listen for messages from remote actors running in remote ActorSystems. For debugging purposes, you’ll probably want to register an error handler via system.OnError.
Once you have an ActorSystem and an Actor implementation, such as the counterActor in example/counter actor.go (which implements the pseudocode actor above), you can create instances with
ref := system.StartActor(newCounterActor)
Here newCounterActor is a “constructor” that returns a new counterActor instance (as
an Actor implementation), defined in example/counter actor.go.
system.StartActor returns an *actor.ActorRef. You can use this actor ref to send
messages to your new actor instance from outside the actor system:
system.Tell(ref, MAdd{1})
You can also include ref in messages that you send to other actors, so that those actors
can send messages to this one.
Finally, to do anything interesting with your actors, you’ll need a way to get information back out of the actor system. To do that, see ActorSystem.NewChannelRef (example in example/main.go).
4.4 Restrictions
Your Actor implementations may not coordinate with other parts of the dis- tributed system in any way besides receiving and sending messages. In particu- lar, actors may not access shared memory, use Go channels, spawn goroutines, perform I/O (except logging), or block.
To help enforce this, the ActorSystem will marshal and unmarshal messages sent between actors, as if they are RPC call args, even when the source and destination are actors on the same machine. To make this possible, each actor message type must be marshallable with Go’s encoding/gob package. In particular:
• All struct types, struct fields, and nested struct fields must be exported (Capitalized).
• Messages must not contain Go channels, functions, or similar non-marshallable types. Pointers are okay, but the contents they point to will be copied, not shared as a pointer.
15-440 Project 3
• We recommend defining message types as plain structs, not pointers to structs.
• Any message type that is a struct must be registered with gob.Register. We rec- ommend doing this in an init function in the same file where your actor is defined (example in example/counter actor.go).
Also, we force you to create actors in a “constructor” with a fixed signature—namely, the argument to ActorSystem.StartActor. To pass initial data to an actor, instead of changing the values you set in the constructor, use the ActorSystem to send it a message.
Please do not circumvent these safeguards, e.g., by accessing mutable global variables or closure variables inside an actor or its constructor. We will deduct substantial points during manual grading if we notice this.
5 More on Consistency (Syncing)
Recall from Section 3 that all query actors are replicas of the same data: they each keep their own private copy of the key-value store, and these stores are supposed to remain consistent with each other. To do this, query actors need to sync with each other, i.e., communicate newly-Put values to each other.
To permit high availability (query actors accept Puts without coordination), this syncing happens in the background, off the critical path of responding to queries. As usual for actors, syncing happens by sending messages between actors. The exact sync strategy (i.e., what messages, to/from which actors, and how often) is up to you, subject to the requirements below. For manual grading, please document your sync strategy (local & remote) with a 1-2 paragraph comment in kvserver/query actor.go.
Due to the highly available design, it is possible for multiple query actors to receive Puts for the same key concurrently. That will put them in a temporarily inconsistent state. We permit this so long as they are eventually consistent [4]: all query actors eventually see all updates, and once two actors have seen the same set of updates, they have the same state.5
Specifically, you will implement a last-writer-wins (LWW) rule for Puts. For each Put(key) operation, attach a local wall-clock time on the server side, with millisecond resolution. Upon receiving a Put(key) from another actor, compare its timestamp to that of your current state for key (i.e., corresponding to the Put(key) query that set the current value for key), and ignore if it is lesser. Break ties arbitrarily but deterministically, e.g., using
5This is an even weaker consistency requirement than causal consistency, the weakest consistency guar- antee described in the Distributed Replication lecture (Oct 6). It is possible to implement causal consistency in a highly available setting, but somewhat more complicated and expensive.
15-440 Project 3
a lexicographic sort on the ActorRef.Uid() of the query actor who processed the original Put. We refer to this receiving logic as the merge function, since it merges a received Put into your local state.
Last-writer-wins ensures that you always see the chronologically last write to a key.6 Also, the merge function is Associative, Commutative, and Idempotent (ACI): merging updates in any order, with any number of duplicates, always gives the same result—namely, the result of the Put with the greatest timestamp. This ensures eventual consistency even if different actors receive updates in different orders or receive duplicate updates.
5.1 Local Syncing
We refer to different query actors running on the same server as local actors. You will need to implement local syncing to ensure that these actors’ states are eventually consistent, following the last-writer-wins rule above.
You will find it necessary to inform local actors of each others’ existence in NewServer, so that they can send messages to each other. To do this, you can use ActorSystem.Tell to pass an initial message to each actor containing *actor.ActorRefs for other local actors.
Other requirements:
• Puts on one actor should be visible to Get and List queries on other local actors
within 500 ms.
• To amortize overhead, for each ordered pair of actors (A, B), A should send no more
than 10 messages per second to B, regardless of how many Puts A receives.
• For efficiency, sync messages should not be excessively redundant (i.e., contain many Puts that the recipient already knows). However, some redundancy is fine because the last-writer-wins merge rule is idempotent.
5.2 Remote Syncing
When a backend storage server first starts, it must get the existing key-value store state from older servers. To make this possible, NewServer receives a remoteDescs field that contains a description of each existing server, as returned by those servers’ own NewServer
6Due to clock drift, it is possible that the “last” write is not actually the latest one. It is even possible for a write to overwrite a causally later write. However, for this assignment, you may assume clocks are synchronized well enough (even across servers) that last-writer-wins is reasonable. This is the approach taken by Apache Cassandra.
15-440 Project 3
calls.7 Typically, each server’s description will be JSON-encoded content describing how to contact that server, e.g., relevant actor.ActorRefs. Upon receiving existing state from an older server, the new server should merge it into all of its query actors’ states using the usual last-writer-wins rule.
Once a server is aware of another server (even before completing the start-up exchange), it should immediately begin syncing new Puts to that server. Remote syncing is semantically the same as local syncing: updates from each actor should periodically be synced to all remote actors, using a last-writer-wins rule to merge conflicting Puts. However, we impose slightly different performance requirements, which may require a different implementation strategy:
• Puts on one actor should be visible to Get and List queries on other remote actors within 2000 ms whenever one-way network latency is ≤ 250 ms.
• To preserve network bandwidth, you should generally avoid sending the same Put separately to multiple actors on the same remote server.
• To amortize overhead, for each ordered pair of actors (A, B), A should send no more than 10 messages per second to B, regardless of how many Puts A receives.
• For efficiency, sync messages should not be excessively redundant (i.e., contain many Puts that the recipient already knows). However, some redundancy is fine because the last-writer-wins merge rule is idempotent.
You may find it useful to define additional actor types besides queryActor.
For simplicity, you do not need to handle remote message failures. If there is an error while sending a remote message, ActorSystem will merely drop it (at-most-once semantics). You do not need to worry about consistency violations as a result of such a failure.8
6 App and Storage Client
Users play CMUD using the CMUD app, shown in Figure 4. It provides a text interface that users use to interact with the game world, including other players. The README.md file has instructions on how to play the game yourself.
7You may assume that servers are started in a strict serial order: it is never the case that two servers will be started concurrently (thus missing each others’ descriptions).
8In particular, if actor A succeeds in sending an update to B but fails to send it to C, then B and C will be stuck in an inconsistent state, at least until a future Put overwrites both versions. A complete
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Figure 4: CMUD’s welcome screen.
Internally, the CMUD client (package app) is stateless; it gets all of its state from the backend key-value store. This makes it trivially multiplayer. Thanks to the backend store’s geographic distribution and high availability, all users can get low latency by connecting to a nearby server, so it’s not necessary to cache data client-side.
The app package interacts with the backend using a *kvclient.Client from the kvclient package. While the app package is implemented for you in the starter code, you will need to finish the kvclient/client.go file as described below.
6.1 KVS Client RPCs
A *kvclient.Client communicates with the backend storage system using RPCs. It sends queries to a QueryReceiver (defined in kvcommon/rpc types.go) corresponding to a specific query actor. The client should not use actors or message the server’s ActorSystem directly; instead, it should only interact with the RPC servers described in Section 3.1.
You will need to finish the Client implementation in kvclient/client.go. Specifically, fill in the functions Get, Put, and List so that they make RPC calls to the correspond- ing QueryReceiver functions. The functions should be thread-safe and allow multiple outstanding queries simultaneously.
system would need to fix this consistency, e.g., by retrying the send A → C or forwarding the value B → C. However, you do not need to worry about such scenarios.
15-440 Project 3
To simulate DNS load balancing, you are provided with client.router. Before each RPC call, call client.router.NextAddr() to learn which RPC server to query, in the form of an address. Note that different calls may return different addresses, to simulate the effects of load balancing (both across servers and across actors within servers), server failures, and user movement.
7 Guidelines 7.1 Starter Code
The starter code for this project can be found in the p3/src/github.com/cmu440/ direc- tory. You will need to implement parts of the following packages:
• In the actor package, files actor/mailbox.go and actor/remote tell.go (Sec- tion 4.2).
• The kvserver package. Its starter code contains the API and a skeletal implemen- tation of the Server you will implement.
• The kvclient package. Its starter code contains the API and a skeletal implemen- tation of the Client you will implement.
Packages srunner, crunner, app, and example implement command-line programs that run a backend server, a *kvclient.Client with a simple command-line interface, the CMUD app, and an example actor program. They have been provided for your own use and do not need to be modified.
See the README.md file for a more detailed discussion of the provided starter code and tests. 7.2 Testing
Test scripts for both the checkpoint and final submission are located in the src/github.com/ cmu440/tests directory. Please consult README.md for more details.
These test scripts are mocks of the ones we will use on Gradescope; for this assignment, there are no hidden tests.
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15-440 Project 3
7.3 Submission
Please disable or remove all debug prints before submitting to Gradescope. This helps avoid inadvertent failures, messy autograder outputs, and style point deductions.
For both the checkpoint and the final submission, create handin.zip using the following command under the p3/ directory, and then upload it to Gradescope.
sh make_submit.sh
7.4 Advice
Review the relevant starter code, API docs, and tools (described in the README.md) before starting on a task.
Consult the example actor program (folder example/) as needed. You are free to copy and modify it.
Keep in mind the restrictions on marshallable messages (Section 4.4) and Go’s rules around methods made available for remote access.
Before implementing local and remote syncing, plan out the actors you will use and the messages they will send. For inspiration, consider reading about Anna KVS’s sync strategy [5].
CheckPoint (25%)
For the checkpoint, your client, server, and actor system only need to support a single backend storage server running a single query actor. This simplification removes the need for syncing (both local and remote) and the need for remote tells (item 2 in Section 4.2).
9 Final Submission
For the final submission, finish implementing all features described above. This includes remote tells, local syncing, and remote syncing. Note that the TestOneActor* tests from the checkpoint are re-run for the final submission.
The following table shows the point distribution for the project as a whole:
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Manual Grading of Final go fmt of Final Total
21 points 58 points 4 points 1 point 84 points
Manual grading follows the same Rub